🐺 Chapter 17. Mood

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Sideswipe gave me the task to check up on the femme and see how she's doing. Didn't really have a choice. He seems to be really attached to the femme and since I would die for him, I decided to take this challenge.
It's quite early in the morning, around seven and I think she will be awake already. I opened the door quietly and peeked inside, just in case she would actually be on a rampage and throw stuff at people who dare to come in but she wasn't.

The sight actually surprised me. She was crying. Her sobs filled the room. Not the femme I have seen days ago. I shut the door behind me and approached her. I can't leave her crying either. She keeps blaming herself for what happened and what can I do to change it? Nothing. It happened, Barricade killed him. She's not getting over it easily. "What are you doing here? Leave me alone!" She snapped and turned. "Skye..." I murmured, but she's not having it today and turned away from me. I sighed softly and rubbed her shoulder in order to comfort her a little bit. Didn't help.

"Skye, it's not your fault. Honestly, you couldn't have stopped Barricade anyway," I said. "I could have tried something. I should have been there and I wasn't!" She snarled. "Everyone makes mistakes. I make mistakes too. You learn from it. Rather you like it or not. You can't change the past. James is dead. Killed—" she started crying again. There must be something really wrong with her to cry like this out loud next to me. She would never ever cry with me around.

Normally I know what do, but she's just broken. Laying beside her is probably not a good idea either. She will kick or bite me. Instead, I sat here, listening to her cries that didn't seem to get less as time passed. "Are you on your period?"

"Yes!" She cried and buried her face in the sheets. "Ah, that explains a lot. Alright. I am going to get you some chocolate and tampons."
She glanced at me with watery eyes. "I'll be right back." I left her without saying anything else. I got quite some chocolate to please her. Hopefully it will cheer her up a little bit and get in a better mood. I don't know what I rather have, Skye snapping at me or crying like this. At least it proves she still has some emotion left.

I returned and handed her the chocolate. She took it and started eating without saying anything. I placed tampons in the bathroom and strode over to her, looking at her. At least she stopped crying. I was confident she was doing better and was about to leave but she grabbed my wrist and yanked me back towards her. With a grunt I ended up on her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face in my neck,— crying again.

Something is wrong with this female!

"Femme..." I groaned, but she didn't let go of me and only started crying louder if I would try to move away. So, I just let her hug me like a personal teddy bear. She nuzzled in my hair and dig her quite sharp nails in my neck. "Skye. I am not comfortable..." I groaned. "Shut up!" She snapped. I groaned and tried to move but her claws dug deeper and seller into my skin. I stayed right where I was and didn't move.

She finally let go of me and rolled me next to her. "You stay here and shut up!" She snapped. "Alright... alright." O raised my hands in surrender. "I stay..." I sighed and watched her. I didn't think she would even like me after beating her up. In fact, she had no reason to like me at all and yet, here she is. Eating chocolate next to me, not throwing any stuff at me.

She wiped her mouth clean and rolled against me. I stiffened next to her as she did so. "You feel better now?" I asked. She shrugged and closed her eyes. "
I ran my hand through her soft silky dark blonde hair. Maybe she needed some attention and care. I doubted she achieved it a lot in her childhood. She was right, I don't know anything about her.

As she got up to change her tampon, I left. I am sure she'll do fine without me as well. Hopefully she goes to sleep or whatever. "What happened to you, Bro?" Sideswipe laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist. "I talked to your so called friend. She's on her period and quite emotional," I scowled. Sideswipe laughed and squeezed my shoulder before letting go of me. "I think she doesn't hate you after all."

"Why? Only because she was crying in my chest?"
"Yeah. If she hated you... she wouldn't have asked you to stay," he replied. "Why did you leave? Is she asleep?" He asked. "No, she was about to change the tampon in her valve," I replied. "Idiot! Go back to her and comfort her!" He ordered. "You don't tell me what to do, Sides!" He snapped. "Why not?you can be older but you're social not good with others. Now get your ass back in her room and comfort her!"

"Oh no! You go comfort her but I don't want to hang around her anymore. She's crying... a lot. Why don't you go instead?" I snapped. "Because she wanted you. You're such a coward!" He snapped. "I am not a coward!" I snapped. "Other mechs would have done it."

There fell a tensed silence between us. I hate it when he's messing with my ego. He always involves other mechs or even femmes to make me do things. My twin knows I have an ego problem. "Fine! What do I say to her? Sorry I left because I was sick of your crying!" I snapped. "No, you get her some chocolate and tell her you went out to get more."

I shook my head and pushed him aside. "You owe me something!" I snarled and marched over to the mess hall.
"Why did you leave?" She sobbed as I came in. "To get you more chocolate!" I snapped and shut the door with my foot. She took it from me and sat back down,— tapping the spot besides her. I grunted and kicked my shoes aside. I wrapped my arm around her carefully and pulled her against my chest.

She obviously calmed down as she leaned into my chest. I can't believe she's so calm right now. Skye is like an emotional rollercoaster. One moment she's fine other moment she's trying to kill me and then she's crying her eyes out. She's a challenge and Lennox wants to speak with her too. Not today. Hopefully she's in a better mood tomorrow and able to take 'facing Lennox' better.

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