🐺 Chapter 19. Terms

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Before I went into the office, I felt Sideswipe grasp my arm. 'Skye?' I turned my head. 'Please, don't mess this up. They will send you away and I don't want you to leave.' I yanked my arm back. 'You start to like me. You shouldn't. People like me don't live very long. We always end up in dangerous situations. Do yourself a favor, don't get attached to me. We are not friends. Please.' He looked away from me. 'Sideswipe.' I forced him to look at me. 'I don't belong here. We both know that.' I spoke in a soft tone. It already gets like I was hurting his feelings. 'So? You're going back to Galloway? The one person that will do everything to make your life miserable? We know him better then anyone else. He will hurt you. You're better off here.'

'Who says I want to go back to him?'

A frown spread over his face. 'I'm going back to where I belong.' He frowned and watched me pass. I walked in without knocking on the door. There was tension as I closed the door. 'You wished to see me?' I spoke in a cold tone. 'Can you do that without using your claws and fangs?' I shrugged and crossed my arms. 'Depends on what you're going to say.' He gestured for me to sit down. With a slight hesitation, I sat down. 'I'm glad you came. I wasn't sure if you would,' he said. 'Thank the twins for that one.'

He took a breath before he spoke up. 'The soldier you hurt needs to go through a very long recovery process.' I hummed. 'During my training, I was told I could defend myself in any way needed. He tried to punch me, so it was obvious he would lose a hand.'
'I don't know what type of training you had, but that's not how we roll here.' I slumped back. 'What about Sunstreaker? Last time I checked he killed someone and I can't remember he had a punishment for that.'

'Sunstreaker is a different story. This is about you.' I sucker in a breath and forced a fake smile on my face. 'What do you want from me, Will?' I asked, leaning onto the table. 'What is the real reason you want me here? There is always a reason.'
'I want you to work here. You can pick a parter. Anyone you want or feel a bond with. Obviously, I can send you back to Galloway, especially after what you did, but Sideswipe begged me not too. It's your choice.'

'Or... the third option, you just let me go and I'll go find my own way. Join a pack somewhere.' Will shook his head. 'I can't do that. You're property of the government. I might be able to work on something. If you do your duty for this base, I can maybe get you free from everyone and everything.' I bit my lip. 'If you escape, you will always be on the target list. Since you have a history of escaping, they required to give you a chip and some sort of IUD and after your last eruption, they also want you to wear a muzzle.

I snorted. 'Damn! What am I to you? You know, why don't you sterilize me and get me chipped right away? Isn't that what they do to dogs!' I spat. Lennox sighed. 'That's what they had in mind and o saved you from that!' He snapped. 'James was already working to free me. He wanted me to be part of his family. A real family. He promised me I never had to worry about anything ever again. He never would've let you treat me like an animal. That's what I've always been the eyes of humans. I rather have Galloway ordering them to put me down, then let you treat me like an animal.'

'I know you wouldn't take this well. You can pick your partner, I'm not forcing to work with anyone. You can chose whoever you want. It won't end well for you if you go back. They find your dangerous and unpredictable.' I sucked in a breath. Anyone I like, huh? I thought. 'What about Sideswipe?' He asked. 'No.' He glanced at me. I got up and opened the door. 'Sunstreaker?' He walked up to me. 'This is my term.' Sunstreaker looked at me before looking at Lennox who was shaking his head. 'No? You said I could pick anyone I like, right. You know why? Because Sunstreaker knows how it feels to be treated like a monster. To be forced into things you don't want to do. It will be Sunstreaker, or no one.'

Lennox stared at Sunstreaker. 'He's brutal.'
'I'm still here,' Sunstreaker muttered, crossing his arms. 'Yeah, he is. That's why I want him. Also, he's the only person to do what none of you could. Beat the living hell out of me. He set his boundaries and that's why I respect him more than any other mech. I don't think you will understand how the animal kingdom works. I mean... I am just a stupid wolf, right?'

'Did my brother?'

'Yeah, he did. James his boundaries too, just like Sunstreaker did.' Lennox sucked in a breath. 'I don't trust you two.' I shrugged. 'Not my problem. You never I couldn't pick him.'
'Because I didn't think you would after what he did.'
Sunstreaker huffed. 'Af least she listens to me.'
'Yeah, and only you. That's what I'm concerned about. No, Sunstreaker is a no go.'
'Well, guess we don't have a deal then. Send me back to Galloway. Death seems like the perfect option right now.' I turned around and dashed through the doors, leaving Sunstreaker standing there.

((Sunstreaker's P.O.V))

'You can go.'

I closed the door before approaching his desk. 'I can keep her in check. I've always been able to talk to her. Without me, she wouldn't even be here. Lennox shook her head. 'No! Absolutely not. It's asking for a disaster to unfold.' I snorted. 'You can't let her die! She agreed to your stupid terms and she chose me!' I pointed at myself. Lennox sucked in a breath. 'You're a psychopath and she's unstable. You're gonna use her for whatever sick ideas you have and I don't want any more casualties.' I rolled my icy blue eyes.

'I won't.'

'She picked you for a reason, Sunstreaker. I offered her Sideswipe but she chose you instead. I don't trust her or you.' I snorted,— shaking my head in disbelief. 'You know that Sideswipe is very much engaged in what is going on. We will be doing it together. She will work with us, we won't work for her.' Lennox slumped back. 'You treat her like a zoo animal. Humans are good at it... I know and I don't have a reason either to help you. I'm still doing it. Mostly because I get forced but if it was me... if Prime wasn't here, I would've skinned you alive. That's how simple it is.'

'Is this supposed to convince me?'

'I won't give up on her now. She finally starts to trust us. You won't take her away from me. She chose me, she agreed your stupid and ridiculous terms. She allows you to test her like a dog but if you think that I won't stand up for her then you're wrong. Man up and accept her damn choice,' I snapped before turning around. 'Fine...'
I turned.

'One mistake and she's out.' I nodded. 'Good. She won't make a mistake and I won't let you ruin her. Hurt her in any possible way, and you will regret it for life.'
'You're threatening me now.' I snorted. 'Yeah, I am.'

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