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Ok that was enough. The car suddenly stopped and Diego turned on his seat so now he was facing his younger sister.

"Do you want to repeat what you just said? This time do it to my face little girl" He demanded and Maya wished she had a way to escape but unfortunately she was trapped with the car with angry Diego. Wordlessly she shook her head. No, she didn't want to repeat anything, she regretted everything.

"Good" he said as if nothing happened and started driving again. It was good that the road was empty.
"Our little Maya got assigned to a biology project with a boy" Diego said loudly and Maya really hated at the moment how such a little thing has been made a big deal out of. They were all so annoying. At least Alessio still looked as if he didn't care.

"I was planning to stay after classes tomorrow we can go to the library and study there"

"As if we would allow you to stay up alone after school with a dude we don't know" Gianni said clearly disgusted by the idea.

"What do you mean allow who do you think you are" Maya asked with irritation but before the argument could move forward Salvatore announced

"He will come here"

Maya sighted "okay I understand" as she took the sip of her tea she started chocking she had to ran to the sink and spit it out it was disgusting

Someone added salt to her tea.

"That's for swearing at me today little girl" Diego said, Simon send him irritated look, Alessio smiled under his nose and Gianni looked scared at what Diego will do to him next.
Lucas did show up at her house next day.

He and Maya were instructed to leave the door open and suddenly Maya's brothers got really interested in the corridor on the second floor. Who did they think they were? It's not like Maya will throw herself at Lucas the moment they disappear.

Seriously having siblings sucks but it also is heartwarming in a way.



"I wanted to say overprotective but I guess this one works as well" Lucas said.

"Two weeks ago I didn't even know they exists and now they're everywhere"

"Is that such a bad thing? I always wanted to have a brother to be honest. Or a sister" Lucas said

"Same I guess but I just learned about them recently it's not a typical situation. They don't know me well and I don't know them. They seem to be overbearing from the start for some reason. I don't know why they accepted me into the family so quickly at least Simon and Gianni. Everything is confusing right now, perhaps I preferred the peace and quiet"

"Quiet is not always a good thing" Lucas said after a moment and Maya couldn't argue with that.

"Back then when Mike was attacking you, I don't know what it was about but you weren't defending yourself. So why when Markus pushed me you... you know attacked him?"

"I prefer not to get in trouble at school my dad is a local politician and if the news spreads his son gets into fight I would be in a big trouble but I just couldn't stand and do nothing when this jackass pushed you"

"Then why?"

"I just cant watch when a man hits a woman"

"Oh... have you witnessed something like that before" Maya asked quietly.

They looked each other in the eyes for a moment and a simple connection and understanding formed. They didn't really had to you words at the moment.

Then, Lucas changed the subject.

"I was lucky. Got away with two weeks suspension. Mike got three months and he walks around the city with completely messed up face"

"What why?"

"Salvatore has to do something with the prolonged suspension and your other brothers took care of rearranging his face I suspect"

"What? How? How do you know? Why would they?"

"It wasn't hard to get. The message was clear - don't mess with our sister or see what happens. Sorrentinos have a reputation to uphold"

"I have no idea about any of this. This must be why people in the class don't even try to approach me" Maya mumbled trying to absorb new information.

"Give them time Maya it's not like they don't want to, they just don't know what to expect from you. At first I thought you're arrogant that's why you don't try to talk to any of us"

"And now?"

"I think you're shy and that's cute"

He send her a cute boyish smile and she blushed.

Gianni entered the room

"Is long staring at each other the part of the assignment" he asked them a rhetoric question with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Leave" Maya forced herself to avert her eyes from Lucas and said sharply. Why couldn't they leave them alone for a second damnit.

"Don't order me around little girl"

Diego did the exact opposite of what she asked for and got dangerously close to to Lucas he looked him in the eyes and said "hurry up finish the assignment and get the fuck out, is that clear?"

Lucas nodded too scared to say anything and Maya couldn't blame him she himself was speechless.

However instead of listening to her instinct that ordered her to stay quiet she actually   threw a pencil sharper at Diego and yelled

"I told you to leave, stop bothering us"

"You're so rude" he scolded lightly "I will remember that little girl" Diego said and there was a promise of revenge in his eyes, Maya didn't want to think about it now.

Her sweet moment with Lucas was ruined all because of annoying older brother.

"I will get going" Lucas said.

The truth is they finished doing a presentation half an hour ago and they just started speaking about everything and nothing. Lucas was really nice and Maya quickly started to appreciate his company.

"Yeah better get going Lucas" Gianni parroted and there was a hint of steel in his voice.

Will they ever stop randomly appearing? Maya thought desperately as another one of her brothers decided to interrupt them

Of course the answer was no. They kept bothering them until Lucas decided to come back home.

As Lucas said his final goodbye Maya came back to her room just to see Simon sitting on her chair and reading a biology handbook. Recently Maya discovered that he was interested in medicine related topics.

"So how was your day Maya?" he stopped reading and lifted his head to look at her properly.

She sighted. Why did he care?

"Listen I don't get it. I'm the new kid, a stranger in your house why do you care about my day? Why are you so nice? Shouldn't you be at least a little bit mad that I appeared out of nowhere in your life?"

"Of course not. You're blood"

Maya rolled her eyes.

"Who cares about something like that?"

"We do. Our family. Most people also care but they're just less aware of that. In Sorrentino family there's nothing more important than blood ties, family is everything to us and there's nothing beyond it. Salvatore brought you here and called you our sister so I will treat you like one, not like a stranger"

"This family... it's weird"

"Good weird or bad weird?"

"I think a little bit of both"

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