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Suddenly she felt strong big arms wrapping around her as she cried. It was the first time Salvatore hugged her, she didn't mind, not now.

She cried like never before, she wailed in pain for what felt like hours and Salvatore was just there unmoving and warm. His arms were the only source of comfort she had and perhaps for the first time since she arrived at his house, she felt safe.

She wondered why he's so cold all the time, why can't he just show his emotions a little more, why can't he just hug her like that from time to time? Or smile at her and ask instead of demand? Maybe she wouldn't be so afraid of him if he did that.

Unfortunately, the embrace couldn't last forever and Maya didn't want it to last forever. She was scared that she will get used to it, become dependent on it. It was dangerous.

She would rather be alone.

As soon as she moved away from him she felt pain in her chest, a hollowness deep inside of her.

Like something was missing.

But she didn't want to listen to that small voice in her head desperately telling her to not leave the source of warmth and comfort that was available to her.

"I will go back to my room" she said hoarsely and ran away before Salvatore could say a word.
________________________________Maya was drowning in her own thoughts. In her guilt.

Last time I talked to mom I hung up on her. How could I do something like that? I feel like a monster. I should've been nicer to her.

Mom was such a fragile person. So dependent on her abuser, to the point that she was choosing him over her daughter and Maya was angry with her about it, maybe too angry. Always so angry that even their last conversation had to be unpleasant.

All because of me. I was the mean one. She wanted me back home, nothing more.

Maya felt so disgusted with herself.  She was so lost in her painful thoughts and self-loathing that she didn't even notice how her legs led her to the bathroom. Suddenly she was on her knees emptying her stomach contents.

If there was any moment when Maya really needed to be left alone it was now. Unfortunately, Gianni entered the room at the least appropriate moment, just to see her vomit. Lovely.

"Go away" she whined, praying he would listen but of course not, of course, he loudly called for help as if she was dying or something, and there he was kneeling next to her, rubbing her back gently and whispering a nice voice of comfort too her. She didn't deserve any of that.

"I will call a doctor" Alessio announced as soon as he saw what's going on.

"Wait," Maya said in a hoarse voice "please don't call anyone I'm fine, it's just nerves" she assured, she got up quickly and started washing her face quickly after she was done she said "just leave me alone, I'm fine"

"You're not fine, Maya," Gianni said slowly like he was trying to explain something difficult to a child

Alessio on the other hand just sighed and said "I will go fetch Salvatore he will decide if you need a doctor"

"Wait no!"

He was already gone. Shit.

Not Salvatore. The last person she needed right now. She didn't even have the strength to argue with them at this point. She just lied on her bed and let them do whatever they wanted and they chose overreaction, fine.

Gianni appeared in her room with a glass of water for her, then he situated himself next to her as he had no intentions of leaving his sister alone in this state.

Please Forget About Me Where stories live. Discover now