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Maya just wanted some freedom.

Since her brothers discovered her difficult relationship with food they have been controlling what and when she was eating.

Everything had to be reported to Salvatore. She was also forced to attend mandatory therapy sessions and Salvatore said that if she won't start eating properly he will send her to the treatment clinic without a second thought and he wasn't the type of person who would make empty promises.

That being said a plan formed in Maya's head. A job, she needed a job after school. Something that would keep her mind off things. She needed to regain control, she needed get away from the house and start saving money.

Unfortunately, her request was met with zero enthusiasm.


"But why?"

"Because you're 15. You don't need a job" Salvatore said simply.

"But I want one," she said stubbornly trying at the same time to look serious and mature instead of like a child who was just refused a cookie. Salvatore probably saw the latter.

"I understand however in this house you don't get what you want you to get what I think is best for you and I won't allow you to have a job at the age of fifteen when you should be focused on school. Maya you have enough money as it is. Our family, I'm sure you realized the moment we've met, is rich. You don't need to work and even if you want to I won't allow it as long as you study. Is there anything you need to ask me? And Maya and it better be on a different subject because this one is closed"

"No" I don't.

"Then you may leave"

It took everything in her to not slam the door as she was leaving Salvatore's office. He probably wouldn't appreciate it.

As she was leaving a man in a fancy red suit has passed by her and knocked to Salvatore's office. Maya sometimes wondered who are those people. Why does her brother need security standing in front of his office 24/7, who is he? Who are the people who come to visit him?

Why are her brothers filthy rich? "Family business" is a very vague statement and Maya wished she knew more about what Salvatore's job entails but she wasn't about to ask him, every meeting with him felt like she was at the principal office. She wanted to leave as soon as she arrived.

"Someone is in a bad mood" Diego pointed out, he was mean.

"Someone is not minding their own business"

"Someone is a cranky little brat"

"Can you stop being annoying for a second?"

"No can do little sis"

"Get Diego a goal next time that is achievable for him" Gianni teased and because of that he received a death stare from his older brother.
The next day Maya's bad mood worsened as she received her grade. An F. Shit. That's what she needed another conversation with Salvatore.

Just when she wanted to be mature and asked him to let her get a job she failed the test at school. Damnit.

Don't cry don't cry don't cry she chanted in her head.

"Hey, are you okay?" A quiet, warm voice from behind asked. It was Lucas.

"I failed the math test"

Well, Lucas couldn't relate. He was the best student in their class, straight As. Fucking mister perfect. He was handsome as well and for an unknown, Maya's reason, he decided to be friendly with her. She didn't know what he saw with her yeah it was easy and nice to speak with him but he probably gets along well with everyone.

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