28. Sean and Saoirse

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Ariana glanced at her wrist watch impatiently while Nate leaned against his car and took out a cigarette. "Will he come or not?" She asked him. They were standing in front of the house of the girl who had invited them.

"He'll definitely come." answered Nate as he leaned his head sideways to lit the cigarette in his mouth with the lighter in his hand.

"I have to talk to him." said Ariana as she folded her arms and paced back and forth.

Nate hummed in response. His wolf sensed someone approaching them and informed him.

"Hi." He heard Ariana say.

"My lady, My lord." It was the girl who had invited them.

"No need for such formality." Ariana reminded her again. As she did that, she wondered whether she still was to be addressed such highly or not. She was sent to the human world as her punishment. Was she stripped off her title too? What excuse must have the Alpha and Luna made for her absence? Was she hated by the Kingdom for trying to claim "Persephone's mate" or had  the fiasco been kept a secret? It surely couldn't be that as thousands of people were present there when she had made a giant fool of herself for him.

Earlier, she didn't think of any of these matters as she was immersed in her pain and didn't want to be reminded of anything related to her past or the supernatural world. However, she was gradually being brought back to reality. A reality she couldn't escape.

"Ahem." The girl fake coughed bringing her back from her thoughts.

"I was wondering of you two would like to go for a run with us?" she asked.

"I'll wait for Sean. You go." answered Nate.

Ariana hesitated before giving in. "Okay."

"By the way, what's your name?" Nate heard Ariana ask as they started walking away from him.

"P....ni." The girl said something like that. He wasn't able to hear her muffled voice properly. However, he froze. Could it be that name?

"What?" He shouted making them stop and turn back.

When they didn't answer, he clarified. "Your name?"

"Penny." The girl muttered with a confused look on her face.

He sighed in relief. 

"Why? Did you hear some other name?" He saw Ariana ask with an amused look on her face.

"I heard ...vier." He answered muffling his voice on purpose at the last part.

"What?" asked the girl. "I didn't catch it."

"I said I heard Savior." There was a smirk on his face.

Ariana narrowed her eyes at him and turned around dramatically. She started walking away from them.

"Wait for me." Penny tried to catch up. When she did, she linked her arm with Ariana's and whispered with a frown. "Penny doesn't even sound similar to Savior."

Ariana looked at her with the corner of her eyes. "You're right. It doesn't. That guy is crazy."

Penny chuckled.

This time Nate had activated his werewolf hearing and heard what Ariana had said. He smiled. 

He had always known Ariana as his best friend's little sister who is kind of an introvert and spends most of her time inside her room. After that, he had labelled her as a weak outcast with a victim complex just to make himself feel at least he was doing better than her. 

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