50. See you on the other side

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Back in the living room of the Imperial Wing, the Duke and the Duchess were busy concocting a letter that would solve all of the King's problem.

"This plan of his is quite convoluted, Lily. Couldn't he just reveal his reasons to Lady Ariana and the Kingdom?" The duke sighed.

"And reveal that our enemies succeeded in manipulated him? It would be humiliating." The duchess replied.

"I am not sure about the Kingdom but his mate would sure understand him."

"Sure, Lorenzo. She would understand him. But she won't accept him back if she doesn't find him completely blameless."

"That is up to her. And even if she doesn't, that is fair. It is the fact that Xavier isn't completely blameless. Neither are we."

"Well, what do we do with fairness? Make a garland out of it?" Duchess Lily snapped.

The Duke looked at her dumbfounded.

Duchess Lily shook her head to clear it and spoke calmly. "Look, Lorenzo. His guilt is only making his love for her stronger."

"Shouldn't his guilt make him be honest with Lady Ariana? To be respectful of her wishes?"

"No! Despite his guilt, he knows that she is his birthright. He is incapable of letting her go."

"And did he only have to realize this after causing her pain? He could have discussed about it with us before taking such a drastic step. That boy..." Duke Lorenzo sighed deeply.

"Lorenzo! How can you blame him? Duchess Lily seethed. "You know it's those wretched Vampires behind all of this. And what could have that poor boy done when his own father always made him paranoid since his childhood?"

"Regardless of all this Lily, what if Lady Ariana has already developed feeling for Sean?"

A vein popped out on Duchess Lily's forehead. "I do not get what you are fearing Lorenzo. Humans need 10 years for even thinking of committing to someone, don't you know? I think Ariana will know better than to consider his flimsy feelings over Xavier's. Let us just write the letter. Ariana will come back running into Xavier's arm after this."


Door to the bathroom opened and Xavier emerged. The first thing he did was turn his attention to the bed, where he had laid Ariana. The chamber was dark, but not completely dark, due to the light of dawn.  

He was pleasantly surprised to find her back in her human form. But once again, her back was facing him. His steps came to a halt involuntarily. He just stood there and stared at her silhouette. Minutes passed and formed half an hour. He was still rooted to the spot. After all, he never have had this opportunity before. To watch her to his heart's content.

He then desired to see her face. So he walked across the bed and did just that. He had expected to find her asleep. However, her eyes were wide open. 

Ariana slowly lifted her gaze towards Xavier. She noticed that his hair was slightly wet and he was in loose trousers and a loosely tied robe with nothing underneath, putting his chiseled chest on show.

"You're feeling better, love?" Xavier asked.

Ariana didn't answer.  Xavier came forward and knelt beside the bed as she was laying at its very edge and there was no space for him to sit. "How are you feeling, Ariana?" He repeated.

Once again, his question was met with her silence. 

"Talk to me." He pleaded softly.

"I do not wish to." Ariana finally answered.

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