57. Is it the end?

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Ariana had her red dress on. The color always made her feel the prettiest.

Her hair was half down, with the front strands loosely braided and secured by a hair brooch at the back. Her ears were adorned by tiny pearl studs while her neck was bare. She decided not to wear the necklace she had secured from Luna Barbara the day before because of Saoirse's comment. She had said that Persephone's absence wasn't felt. Judging by Ariana's behavior, she had replaced her.

That had started a long, soul-searching conversation between the human and her wolf. Ariana wanted hurt, revenge and justice. Saoirse urged her not to let the people here turn her into a bitter, vengeful, selfish woman. She mustn't use Sean just to hurt Xavier.

"It's for a distraction. So that we can escape." Ariana had argued.

"Our rejection will be enough for that."

Hence, Ariana had decided not to lie to Xavier. She would only reject him. Reject him before he even reveals his reasons. There shouldn't be a single chance of her forgiving him. Not after the kiss. She felt that she owed that to Sean.

With all these thoughts in her head, she kept on tying the tie on Sean's neck. A Windsor knot. Tightening it and adjusting the collar, she caressed his chest and gave him a smile. Few more hours and she would turn back into his old Ariana from the human world.

"Off you go." She said and turned around to walk to the door when Sean locked her in his arms from behind. He lowered his head and whispered. "I had warned you to look out or else I'll take over you from behind."

Ariana giggled as she felt ticklish due to his breath near her ear. "Oh please, I let you win."

"Sore loser."

"What! You can ask Nate if you want."

He grabbed her by her shoulders and spun her around. "Don't talk about him. He always takes your side nowadays. I swear he's falling in love with you or something. I can feel it."

"Don't flatter me. I know I was your crush but not every guy is going to fall in love with me. I'm not that special."

"Geez lady, stop fishing for compliments. It's my day today."

"I know. So, go outside and take your medal."

"They're saying that I have to practice taking medal from the King before the actual ceremony. Like, who the fuck practices taking medals?"

"Just go along their pompous acts." Ariana laughed.

"I have to." Sean shook his head in displeasure. He bid her goodbye with a quick peck on her lips.


The main event of the ceremony still had two hours to go. Without Sean to distract her, Ariana's thoughts went back to the rejection plan. The thing that scared her the most was Xavier's reaction. Would he crumble like she had hoped for or would it completely madden him? There were risks she was aware of. But this was her only option.

She was on her way to Nathaniel's chamber. She would wait with him and head out together for the medal distribution.

Clutching her dress, she was pacing forward. All of a sudden, she was captured in someone's hold and pulled aside. How could she not have felt someone coming closer to her?

When she took notice of the face in front of her, it confused her even more. It was Xavier. The Alpha King and her mate on top of that. She could always feel him approaching her. Why was his aura so dim today?

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