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((this is gonna be pretty long. So, buckle up reader, it's a bumpy ride. Also, there is gonna be some darker themes in this one, and to people who suffer from panic attacks and depersonalization/derealization disorders and others, just be careful, okay? I really don't want you to go though a relapse or an episode, so warning. This is the Salem Witch Trials, after all. Also, this chapter was just hard to write, like, I don't want these two dealing with this at such a young age either, but, history is sometimes REALLY unforgiving.. so if this is bad, now you know why.))

Native America, who was watching from actual limbo, was nervous and sad. Why you may ask? Well, she knew that this event had traumatized both of her sons, and they would have to relive it, while the other countries really needed to know. Some, like Prussia, would understand them, since they had been through almost the same things.

By the name alone, most would immediately know what was going on. It's just that infamous.

The twins weren't paying attention to what was about to come next, as they didn't want to think about it, and none of the countries knew, since they had only heard the name a few times, and knew that bad things happened, they didn't know what actually happened, just that it was bad. I mean, why would the two talk about something that would immediately cause a mental breakdown, just from the thought alone? Yeah.... I don't think anybody would want that..

As they got ready for the memory, most weren't thinking it was going to be that bad, as yes there was some sad memories, but the majority were alright. So, basically, nobody was expecting this. This can also be a turning point of sorts.

As the memory began, the two were outside, near a stream. America turned to the stream, then looked over at Canada, who was pretty deep in thought, as a smirk made it's way into his face. He lifted his hand, and a ball of water started to levitate, which made his smile grow bigger. He maneuvered the sphere to be right over Matthew and tried to seem calm, but couldn't help to not be smiling. "Hey Mattie." Said colony was snapped out of his head and turned to the much taller but younger ((I, and I know a lot of other people, would hate that lol)) twin with a curious expression. He also couldn't see America controlling the water above him thanks to him having his hand behind him. "What's that above you?" Alfred asked, unable to not smirk. Canada squinted at him and looked up, and the second he did, Alfred dropped the ball onto him, and when he heard the splash, he started to laugh loudly. "ALFIE!" He heard Canada shout, and this just made him laugh even more, to the point of making it hard to breathe, and making him slightly dizzy, which also resulted in him falling but he didn't even notice. ((Some happiness at least... To bad I gotta ruin it-))

Canada just glared at him and groaned, shaking his head slightly. A person, who was on a walk as well, saw America using his powers and was extremely freaked out. They were also slightly worried for Matthew thanks to his reaction but went back to the town, needing to make an announcement..

This person went unseen by the two, and while waiting for Matthew to dry since it was a pretty nice day, they thought why not stay outside. They were just talking at this point, Canada still annoyed at him but not as much, and was actually amused at this point. The person came back with a few more people, adding four to three new people, and pointed out Alfred, saying that he was the one. The rest of the group nodded and said they would look into it, and the original person, Bob cause I think they needed a name, left. Said group watched the twins from afar, not wanting to get to close to the supposed witch.

After watching for a while, the group was about to leave before one saw something interesting. As the twins were getting up to leave, America used some wind magic to make Canada float. Canada, after realizing what was happening, squinted at America and demanded to be let down. Alfred chuckled and shook his head, walking away while dragging, in mid air mind you, Matthew who was trying to get down by himself, but was getting nowhere. The person who saw this pointed it out to the others, who witnessed it was well, and they immediately decided something had to get done about him..

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