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Alfred ventured far away from the town, looking around as he walked. He soon got tired of moving, so put Matthew on the ground, keeping him close, falling back onto the tree himself. He looked at the sky, and it was still day, but the sun seemed to be falling back over the horizon. The American sighed quietly and looked down, specifically over at his twin, having neutral expression as he thought.

He stayed like this for a long time, and was almost completely out of reality while thinking about everything. After the long while, he heard some small groans come from the smaller, and looked over, relieved that he was awake. Canada looked around for a few seconds at the surrounding woods. He seemed to grow confused and scared quickly, hugging himself tightly. Alfred just watched him curiously, not really knowing what to do so just stayed quiet.

Canada continued to look around, before landing on America and quickly clung to him tightly, hiding his face slightly as well. America rose an eyebrow at all this, patting his head while staying away from the curl. He heard a few things, which were Matthew asking many questions on who he was, where he was, and why they were here, as well as tearing up and crying slightly into the Americans shirt.

"Uh... Mattie? What's going on?" He asked quietly, looking down at him a bit worried, as said colony looked up at him confused and teary eyed. "Mattie...? Who is..- Whatever, I just don't know what's happening and.. I just don't know..." He said and then promptly hid his face again. This made the southerner's frown deepen, thinking for a few seconds, before sighing quietly and looking away. "Well.. I brought us here, for a while or so. Or, at least until the two leave..." He said, grumbling at the end, as Matthew looked back up. "Who..?" He asked quietly, as America turned back to him, now confused as well. "Uh...? Oh- France and England, I should've said he earlier I guess." He said, getting a nod from the smaller.

After a few minutes, Canada shifted in his spot, and he soon started speaking. "I... Don't remember them.... I don't know why but... I don't remember anything...." He mumbled, and Alfred furrowed his brows slightly. "What do you mean you can't remember them? I mean.. We've been living with them for a long time." Alfred asked, and Canada felt tears sting at his eyes once again. "I... I just can't.. I don't even remember you that much..." He explained, starting to cry slightly again, as he really disliked that fact. Alfred felt something break slightly at that, and he looked away slightly before back at the smaller. "You.. can't remember... Me..?" He asked, as Matthew nodded slowly, moving a bit closer to him. Alfred's hair started to darken again, as he looked away once more, now confused. "How- How couldn't you not?? We've been together for our entire lives and.. You just forget it all..." The Canadian could only shake his head, tightening his grip on the American, who had his emotions double, along with his hair shifting, but much slower this time. 

Canada watched him out of the corner of his eye, not knowing what was happening to him and looked down after a few seconds. "I-im sorry..." He mumbled almost silently, as America sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "No.. it's fine, I'm fine..." "But... You seem-" "I'm fine, Mattie. Just confused, alright?" The American said firmly, looking down at him with slightly narrowed purple eyes, which was starting to slowly go back to being normal. Canada frowned but nodded, burying his face in the others shirt.

It was quiet for a long time, as America went back to normal slowly,  and Canada just stayed quiet thinking more about everything. Until, "Why do you start to change like that?" broke the silence. Alfred let out a small sigh, and shrugged. "I dunno.. it just... Happens..." He mumbled, and Matthew just nodded with a small hum. "Your looks change a lot and it's kind of scary.." He mumbled and America just nodded, still not looking at him. Canada just sighed and got comfortable laying on Alfred, before soon going back to sleep.

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