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A/N: This is going to kind of ignore how the last ended as I start off a bit new. It might not be totally accurate to the story I've written up to this point, but hey, what can ya do.


Silence in the dark world, not that it was very surprising.

"Knowing Mexico, he'd probably keep you alive by a sliver, and leave you out in the wilderness to burn or something." The Canadian said, raising an eyebrow as he thought more on the subject.

"Or maybe just kill you over and over. He's really creative after all."

America smiled that smug smile of his. "Jokes on you I'm used to heat and I'll be fineeeee- If he tries to kill me I've been through worse."

Blank faced, the Canadian blinked. "No, Alfred, that's-" A smirk from the younger brother. "You know I'm riiiiiight~"

Matthew simply sighed, shaking his head. "Whatever Al."


In the realm of light, the nations were... Discomforted, to say the least.

While yes imperial thoughts and actions were nothing new, it... Didn't occur to them America would be one of those kinds of nations. But, that thought brought with it also, you have to wonder how he gained so much territory anyways. You can't simply walk in and say a nation's land is now yours without some sort of fight happening.

It was unnerving, however. What if he still had thoughts like those? What if he, in the current day and age, were to act upon these thoughts? A chilling thought for the world at large, but nothing has happened yet, not ever since this time it seems.

The majority of the nations also couldn't help but stare at the three Empire nations, all three having quite the impact on the American, it wasn't surprising he'd inherent their thoughts of conquest too.

Eyes were drawn back to the area all these visions were being played, the Twins getting themselves comfortable after their little break.

The new nation's demeanor... Changed.

The colony watched as his brother's actions became more sporadic, more... Threatening. He was worried, but also frightened.

America seemed to be taking this, "Manifest Destiny" he's called it, very seriously. Days had gone where America, in passing conversation, would throw the idea out for Canada to join him, so they could be together for, seemingly, ever. Matthew was surprised at the question, but found they can be together without having to merge or- whatever Alfred was thinking.

He declined, but it would pop up, again, and again. Alfred getting more demanding of the question, but nothing that was ever too terrible...

If you're not counting the staring during the night. Or him being seen with weapons at any point in the day; knifes and such. Or perhaps his oddly nice, yet certainly concerning act.

Matthew always tried to rationalize, however. Alfred wouldn't try it, not after 1812.. And hey, the American just probably couldn't sleep, or was cooking or just sharpening the knives, and maybe he was overthinking his twin's actions in the first place.

But... It scared him, no matter how much rationelle he tried to use. Call it paranoia, but every time America was near, he felt in danger. Every hug now, like he was walking into the lions den; those fairly quickly stopped.

Matthew slept in the living room after a month or so. He couldn't handle the anxiety of being near him during this time, as much as it hurt.

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