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Alice POV

My head was pounding after my phone call with Remington but I finished cleaning the kitchen and got my mental check list back on track with laundry and unpacking.

I wanted to see him.

Needed to?

You don't need him, Lissy... you need rest...

"I can't rest, Clara...." I whispered both to myself and her voice in my head that constantly helped me decided which way to go.  The revelation about Remington's ex was not a huge shock.  I could understand someone from his past wanting to stay in his life, but his honesty and transparency was refreshing.  Laughter rang from Daisy and Benji as they finished loading the dishwasher so I kept myself moving even though all I wanted was to just stop the world and relax.  My hands deftly gathered dirty towels from the kitchen before I made my way to the bathrooms while thinking about just how special that phone call actually was.

After a quick run through each room I had a pile of towels but knew one in particular had to be addressed with my dearest, darlingest baby brother.  I adjusted the basket on my hip and moved toward the kitchen.

"BEEP!!" My firm voice stopped him in his tracks while Daisy froze a split second before dissolving into giggles.  It was the classic "Ooohhhhh" look on her face, an instant realization that he was in trouble and she wanted to just stay nearby to watch everything happen.

"Uhh... yeah?" He sounded scared but I sighed and smiled, shaking my head at him with a playful glance so he could tell I was not near as upset as he may be assuming.

"Buddy, come on...." I held up a still wet towel that he knew was previously left on his bed and let out a sigh. "Seriously. I am not going to nag you, I swear.  You know the rules and that I don't plan on bugging you every day about shit.  I really don't want to be like that... but this??"

Benji blushed bright red and grabbed the towel from me, hobbling through the house and slamming the bedroom or bathroom door behind himself.  I could feel his anger and winced at the noise but knew he'd calm down quickly.  I anticipated he would be furious at me for calling him out in front of Daisy, but it needed to happen. 

Benji may be only fourteen but he has always had chores and knows better than to leave wet towels on his bed or dirty clothes on the floor. I have never forced him to keep his room spotless but in return just ask that he keeps his laundry organized.  That's all I need, just help in the kitchen and keep things a bit picked up so we can keep laundry moving. 

His friends always said I took it easy on him.  I felt like keeping on top of the rules would help things stay on track here.  Benji even got an allowance that was pretty generous and had a paper route plus would help with yard work around the neighborhood for extra cash.  He had ways to earn more money for games but I also made a point to reward good grades when I could so he didn't feel like he missed out.

Parenting a teenager was harder than I ever expected.

"Maybe I should go home?" Daisy said quietly.

"Nah. He'll calm down. Don't you worry." I smiled, leaning into her a moment and letting out a sigh. "I knew this would have to happen eventually so figured I may as well bite the bullet."

"Ohhh ... so you figured may as well get the awkward part done when I was here anyway so he knows I won't be a bitch or whatever about dumb stuff?"  Daisy's eyebrows were raised and her smile was more amused now, a sign she completely understood the logic of my decision.  I was relieved at how perceptive she was, especially since things between Benji and me were so delicate emotionally.  We both had a lot of trauma from our parents dying plus the train wreck to process.  The last thing we need is someone rushing the process.

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