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Chapter 61


"Ready, Liss?"

I shoved another large canvas bag stocked with random supplies for the farmhouse into the trunk before double-checking my pocket for my phone.  The morning was a blur of packing random items to transfer from one property to another but it was a relief to have something to keep us occupied.

Anything to avoid grief.

Her muffled voice filtered from somewhere near the kitchen but I heard a clear, "Be right there!"   

"Why is she rushing around? We don't have anywhere to be?" Benji kicked the ground with his boot and let out a sigh.  He shook his head and was more of a sullen teenager than I'd ever seen him this week.  I noticed the way he would not even meet my eye, especially in moments like this when my excitement was clear.

Therapy was hard for him again.

We're all doing our best to process but every day gives another gut-punch of memories and responsibility.  Our whole week has been rough so we were not able to make a plan to head to the farmhouse until Thursday, even though I have been anxious to see the old place.  Between another doctor's appointment with news that Benji had to keep waiting before the boot could come off plus bad weather and pain flares for Liss and myself... life just happened.

Life kept happening.

Benji found the rain caused flares in back and ankle pain while Liss was struggling more with her hips and shoulders again.  I could even feel a headache coming on as soon as storm clouds began to form which never happened before blacking out after the train wreck's impact.  The weather made all of us feel worse, but my Liss knew how to make sure we took care of ourselves.  We may not have done much outside of the home, but we were able to view a virtual tour of the farmhouse plus make a lot of plans for how to handle the property.  She prepared incredible home-cooked meals, made sure we binge-watched some of Benji's favorite shows and kept the house as cozy as possible as storms rolled through so all three of us were able to get the rest we needed.

It wasn't what I thought the week would hold, but life threw us a curveball and we knocked it out of the park.

Lissy encouraged me to sit in on therapy with her but all that did was prove how well she handles grief. I was impressed by how confidently she spoke to Raina, her therapist, and the way their relationship was deeply connected while still able to challenge each other.  She and I got along well but agreed it would be best for me to meet with one of her colleagues for more long-term care. I only jumped in to appease my Little lamb but quickly saw how helpful a therapist's input was in helping me step away from my biases to rethink old habits.

"Sorry! Found it!" Lissy waved a red cooler over her head and beamed while jogging to the car.

A cooler.

Of course.

The plan for today was to run to the store for snacks and supplies before going to the Baker's pond property. It was nice enough so none of us woke up with headaches.  Benji was moving as well as could be expected and said he   I made a few calls earlier in the week to confirm power and water were on in my name so after checking with the lawyer to make sure the coast was clear we knew this was the right choice.

It's time to step back into my past.

Lissy moved herself slowly toward the passenger seat but Benji snickered, "I called shotgun already. Too slow!" before sliding in.

I heard a scoff and laughed as Lissy's jaw dropped dramatically. "Well, I never!"

"You snooze, you lose, Davidson."

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