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Alice POV

"You really don't have to bring me smoked salmon when you come visit, but I can't say that I mind..." Doc smirked as we popped into her office at the hospital after Benji's appointment.

Everything was a complete success. He graduated to a softer walking boot and was able to use a brace for his wrist when active so my brother was bouncing off the walls with excitement.  Remi and I shot glances at one another while Benji was trying out the new boot, wobbling and balancing different than he was used to for a couple months.

Now he got to offer our friend and constant help, Doc Edwards, some of the smoked salmon he made the previous day after our trip to Greg's house for the smoker.  Between a trip to the house then setting up Benji's spice cabinet with his list made at Kenny and Leah's, it was a busy but fun day.  We packed more of Remington's clothes and some childhood photos as well, bringing home a few boxes of baseball cards so the guys could restart their project of reviewing their stash.

Seeing childhood photos of Remington with Reese broke my heart.  The man I love was grieving slowly, but methodically.  Being in the home where his dad took his final breaths plus processing trauma was a lot to ask but he rose to the occasion.  Even now, as we spoke to Doc, the feeling of his hand laced through mine gave me newfound strength.

Maybe we can face anything together, as a team.

Maybe this really will work.

"I wanted to share since I made a couple huge pieces and it turned out really good. Hopefully I brought enough so there is some left for Daisy when you go home." Benji smiled, passing a tupperware container to the Doctor.

She gave him a warm smile, taking the gift while replying, "I will try to save her at least half but it will be difficult. Is the smoker at your house now?"

He nodded, "Yeah, Remi and Liss helped me get it moved yesterday while we got more of Remi's stuff packed also. Then we got everything I needed for my spice cabinet after Kenny showed me his set up and we stopped at the butcher for salmon and some pork belly."

"Are you gonna make bacon next?" she asked, peeking into the container before snagging a morsel of salmon and tasting, a happy moan of excitement escaping as Doc enjoyed her present.  "The salmon is incredible!  I'll have some with my salad at lunch but Daisy needs to try it also."

Benji beamed with pride at her compliments, continuing, "Daisy keeps talking about chocolate and bacon desserts so I wanted to try making homemade bacon."

I chuckled, the weight of Remington's hand moving from our clasped hands to my waist as we relaxed during their conversation.

His presence is so familiar.  I know this man would do anything for me or for Benji... he has been so excited to tie up everything in Atlanta so his entire life is here.  With us.

How did things change so quickly?  When I have quiet moments it's hard not to shake my head at the way life ended up shifting as soon as we stepped on that train.  My mind would wander while Remi played fetch with Peach or laughed along with Benji, almost like I was an observer of my own life.

Is this really what I get to be part of for the rest of my life?

I felt Clara's presence in my heart as though she was telling me, "Yes, sweet girl.  This is what you deserve."

The four of us chatted a bit longer, my mind wandering to the future as well as trying to soak up the present.  Doc made sure I got set up for an appointment the following week before we headed out, stopping at the grocery store on our way home. Benji had a few more items he needed before he could brine the bacon and I wanted to grab more produce while Remington was just happy to stay busy.

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