1. Strange

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"-gun made of gold. She was covered in blood, last seen in San Francisco." The women on the news drones on, about some supposed serial murderer halfway across the country. Honestly, I  dont give a shit... I just wanna get the day over with. I work at a small diner with low pay, trying my best to help my mother look after my younger sisters, Emily and Delilah (if one of these is your name, just change it). They're twins, and only four years old, so she refuses to get a job...

I sigh, stepping over to a table of guys "hello, I'm Y/N, I'll be your server for this evening. Can I start you guys off with some drinks?" I ask, fake cheerfulness in my voice. I get responses of "coffee" and their serving preference from each member of the group, except for one. "Sir?" I ask a hint of impatience in my tone, he turns to me and a pair of enchanting hazel eyes meet mine, he clears his throat, looking me up and down "coffee, black." He states, I nod, quickly writing it on my notepad and rushing off to get their drinks.

I carefully walk over to their table, as not to drop the tray in my hands or spill the drinks. When I get there, I hand them all their drinks and the man from before turns to face me, hazel eyes faded to a bright red. My breathing hitches slightly and my eyes widen. "A-are you guys re-ready to o-order?" I ask, mentally scolding myself for my stutter. He's a vampire, so what? We get vamps in here all the time... theres something different about this one... An almost overwhelming sense of dread fills my body as our eyes lock.

The short one with black hair, shaved and bleached blonde on the sides speaks up, "no thanks ma'am, we just wanted coffee." He says with a small smile on his face, showing off a shimmering set of fangs. "Al-right, I'll get your check..." I say, turning to him before rushing back to get the check and speeding back, placing it gently on the table. "Here we are, I'll be back in a few minutes to check on you guys..." the taller one with a mess of dark curls atop his head smiles and thanks me quietly as I walk back to my position at the counter until I have another table to help.

Truth be told, we're never really busy so I dont get paid much. But it's better than nothing...

About ten minutes later, I step back over to the table of vampires. The check is sitting close to the one from before, but his head is down, I hesitantly reach forward to get the check. As I'm picking it up, his hand shoots up, gripping my wrist.

"What'd you say your name was sugar?" He asks, looking up, making eye contact without releasing my wrist from his grip. "Y-Y/N," I say quietly. A smirk creeps onto his face "I'll see ya later Sugar..." he trails off, before standing and signaling for the rest of his group to follow.

He releases my wrist and leans by my ear "keep the change doll," he whispers, before slinking out the door, friends directly behind him.

That was... strange...


It's short, but they'll get longer-
I'm really excited about this book!

Stay rad weirdos- <3

Remember, theres a playlist on my spotify...(Crazie_Dayzee)

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