11. Beautiful

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We finally stop at a pair of large double doors and he sets me down in front of him, covering my eyes with his hands. I let out a small whine like noise at my lack of vision and he chuckles in response. "We wouldn't wanna ruin the surprise, would we treasure?" He asks, "of course not..." I breathe out.

A loud creak fills the corridor as the door opens slowly and he starts to lead me inside. Our footsteps echo, making the room sound large and empty. Eventually we stop walking and I feel his breath hit the side of my face "ready?" He whispers, I try to speak, but my words seem to fail me, so I only nod in response.

He chuckles lightly and uncovers my eyes, revealing a large circular room. Shelves filled with dusty books line the walls, all the way up to the cieling, where a skylight reveals the bright stars above. I look up through the glass panes, admiring the bright orbs resting in the black sky. "Its beautiful," I say, lowering my gaze to the shelves and the books within.

I turn my gaze back to Gerard, to find him watching me with the smallest ghost of a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes. "W-what?" I ask, suddenly growing a little self conscious and more self aware, "its just... of all the women I've met in my many, many, years, I've never met a single one as beautiful and intriguing as you." He states, stepping closer toward me.

I keep my gaze locked on the floor, heat growing in my cheeks as his words linger in my ears. Eventually his hand rests on my cheek, lifting me to face him, "but a women like you has surely already heard that many times before..." he trails off, removing his hand. I look back at the marbled floor, locking my gaze on a small speck of dust as it slowly drifts across the room. "Have you not?" He asks, behind me.

I slowly shake my head "I dont see why you havent, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you truly are a treasure Y/N..." he trails off, resting his hands on my shoulders. "Do you wanna see something almost as beautiful as yourself?" He asks, moving in front of me.

I nod slowly and he gently takes my hand in his, leading me to a spiral staircase that I managed not to notice to one side of the room, between two shelves. He carefully guides me up the stairs, making sure I dont fall. He stops at the top, opening a stained glass door. He slowly pulls me up and through the door with him, into the cool night air.

He releases me from his grasp, leaning against the railing of the balcony, looking up into the stars. I cant help but let myself stare for a moment, admiring the way his pale skin seems to both absorb and reflect the moonlight at the same time. The reflection of the stars sparkle in his eyes, his lips slightly parted as he takes in the night air.

A cool breeze flows through, sending a light shiver through my bones. He turns to me, beautiful hazel irises meeting my E/C ones. "Are you cold?" He asks quietly, as if he's afraid if he let's his voice get to loud he might scare me away, "just a little," I reply quietly.

He hums, shrugging off his leather jacket and wrapping it around my shoulders. "There... better?" He asks gently, "much better, thank you Gerard." I respond gently, pulling the warm leather closer to me.

He returns to the balcony and I step over to him, squeezing my body between his and the railing so my back is pressed to his chest. He gasps slightly in shock, before relaxing and gently wrapping his arms around my waist. I lean into his touch, my body warming up at the contact. How can a vampire be so warm?

"You must remember, I've fed recently Sugar. My body functions in about the same way as a living humans, as long as I have fresh blood in my system..." he says quietly, I hum gently in response. "I forgot you could hear my thoughts..." I trail off quietly. He chuckles in response, "you shouldn't forget about these things treasure, they could get you into trouble..." he whispers, against the skin on my neck.

My breathing hitches and a gentle sigh passes through my lips at the feeling as I try my best not to let it show. He gently presses his lips near the middle of my neck, pulling another sigh from my lips. "Are you scared treasure?" He asks, referring to my heart rate, which had slightly quickened.

"No..." I breathe out, "you should be... for all you know, I could have you under my spell right now... waiting for the right moment to-" he pauses for a moment, gently nipping the skin just below my jawline "sink my teeth into you..." he breathes, now right next to my ear.

I let another shakey sigh break through my lips, he chuckles "I'm only playing doll... I'll never hurt you-" he pauses again, "unless you asked me to..." he finishes, roughly pressing his lips to my jaw.

My words get caught in my throat, leaving me to silently nod in response. He returns his gaze to the stars above us and slowly sways us to a non-existent beat to match the trees.

We sway in silence, simply enjoying the moonlight and the sounds of nocturnal creatures in the woods. His arms remain firmly around my waist as another shiver passes through my body and I snuggle closer to him.

I turn, burying myself into his chest. "Do you wanna go inside treasure?" He asks gently, I nod slowly and he picks me up, "hold your breath for me doll." He says lightly, I nod and suck in a breath.

Before I have much time to blink, we're seated in a lounge chair near the book shelves...


I cannot express my love for this chapter 🥺

Stay rad weirdos ✌<3

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