16. One Lucky Bastard...

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I watch as she rushes out the door, tears rushing down my face. "I could of-" Frank starts, but I stop him. "Dont." With that I stand and stomp to the living room, determined to confront Brendon, "Urie, I'm gonna-" I cut myself off as I step in and the living room is empty.

"Fuck." I whisper, "what's up?" Frank asks behind me. "The fuckin assholes after Y/N." I growl, running to the door and out to my car, not even bothering to close the front door or to give Frank a proper explanation.

Frank follows me out, climbing into the passenger seat of my car as I start it. "How do you know he's after Y/N?" He asks, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "He tricks me on purpose so he can turn her against me, watches our argument with the biggest shit eating fucking grin on his face, and disappears as soon as she runs off? And you expect me to believe he isnt after her?"

"It could just be-" he starts, pausing as I turn into his driveway and a piercing scream fills the air, a scream I find myself to be a little to familiar with. "Still think this is a mistake?" I ask, climbing out of the vehicle and running up to the door at top speed.

I bang my fist on the door, "Urie you better open this god damn door, I swear to god!" I yell through the wood. A laugh answers from the other side, "she's dead Way! I really can't believe you managed not to kill her before I could! Also, I thought sugar was just some dumb nickname you used, but holy shit I see the meaning now! She really is sweet..." he finishes a little quieter, seemingly leaning against the other side of the door.

"Urie when I get in there, I'm going to smear you against that fucking wall." I growl, "kinky-" Frank whispers behind me, "now is really not the fucking time Frank." I hiss, "yeah, right, sorry..." he says quietly. "Oh, you brought your bitch with you!" Brendon yells from the other side of the door.

Something snaps in Frank and I turn to him, watching quietly as his eyes fade dark red and he runs full speed into the door, successfully knocking it down. "I'm not anyone's fucking bitch Urie! Especially not Gerards!" He yells, slamming the man against the wall, holding him by his throat.

I look around the room, until my eyes lock on her small frame slouched against the wall. I feel my breathing hitch, Frank's screaming behind me fades as a ringing fills my ears. No, no, no... I can't lose her, not like this... it's to soon. I rush to her, gently checking her pulse. "She's dead Way! Fucking dead!" Urie shouts behind me.

I take her cold hand in mine and gently press my lips to her palm, "I'll fix this love," I whisper gently, against her pale skin. "Frank, put her in the car." I growl, he drops Brendon to the floor, picking up the girl against the wall and rushing her out to the car.

I let my eyes haze over as my vision darkens and I step over the the man on the other side of the room. "Urie, you better make right with whatever god or gods you believe in cause you're about to fucking meet them." I hiss, "I've got a seat reserved next to the devil himself Way."

I shove him back, sending him hurling across the room, landing hard on a table. He laughs, pulling himself up, cracking his neck as I stomp over to him. "What's the problem Way? Are you upset that I broke your toy?" He asks, "you make it sound like we're children Urie, and this is-"

Before anything else can happen, Frank rushes back into the room. "She's breathing!" He says excitedly, my vision clears and I turn towards him for a moment before turning back to Brendon. "You're one lucky bastard Urie." I growl, speeding out of the house with Frank right behind me.

"You're not gonna finish him off?" Frank asks, confusion in his voice. "I'll call Andy in a bit..." I trail off, climbing into the back seat, resting a still blacked out Y/Ns head in my lap.

"Would you mind driving home Frank?" I ask, brushing a strand of hair from her face, "no problem dude," he smiles, climbing into the driver's seat and quickly driving home.

"Hey Frank?" I ask "do you think the rest of the guys would still be up to starting that band we had in highschool back up?" I ask, looking at him through his reflection in the rearview mirror.

"They might, I definitely am," he smiles, returning his focus to the road ahead.


I'm not great at writing fight scenes-

Stay rad weirdos ✌<3

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