iv. introductions

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"Heard you guys coming all the way down the road," Charlie joked as Jacob helped Billy out the truck, Kiara simply letting out a half smile as she leaned against the rusted orange metal. Was she a little annoyed that the truck originally meant for her was being sold to the Chief for his daughter that her and Jacob used to play with? A little.

But after all, she had turned down the offer of a perfectly working car from Sam Uley and his lackeys so she assumed that this was just karma at this point. She didn't blame her father for no longer thinking she wanted a car, but she couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed after standing in the pouring rain before Rosalie gave her a lift home the prior afternoon. Of course, she hadn't told Jacob or Billy that it was one of the Cullen's who gave her a lift from school to Charlie's house, and the Chief had promised not to mention it to Billy as long as Kiara made sure that Bella had a good first day at school.

"Good to see you," Billy told his old friend as the group all turned as Bella Swan exited the Swan household. Kiara wasn't sure what she had expected the brunette girl to look like since she barely remembered playing with her when they were younger, but she looked just like Charlie if he was younger - and a girl. Kiara smiled softly, but it was obvious to anyone looking that she wasn't hugely fussed about the whole exchange. Kiara noted that Bella also did not seem particularly thrilled to be meeting her dad's old friend and his twins.

"Bella, you remember Billy Black?" Charlie checked, unsure on whether or not she actually would remember him since she hadn't remembered much else about Forks. Bella, however, plastered a smile across her face as she shook Kiara's father's hands, looking at him in admiration.

"Yeah, of course. Wow, you're looking good!"

"Well I'm still dancing," Billy replied before casting a playful side-eye to his best friend. "I'm glad you're finally here. Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming."

Charlie rolled his eyes as he moved away from the truck, Billy following him closely behind. Kiara smiled lightly at their banter, a genuine one this time.

"Alright, alright. Keep exaggerating and I'll roll you into the mud."

"Right after I ram your ankles."

Bella, Jacob and Kiara all smiled as they watched their dads pretend to fight each other on the street. Billy was wheeling back and forth quicker than Kiara had seen him do in a long time and even if her relationship with her father had been very strained since her sisters moved out, it was nice to see him having some fun again. She had often avoided being around the men when they got together, instead using the time that her father was preoccupied to go to parties and raves off the reservation.

"Hi, I'm Jacob," Jacob said to Bella, his long hair longer than Kiara's at this point. She kept insisting that he cut it, but she knew that it was tradition in La Push for the boys to keep their hair long - well, unless you joined the Uley cult and suddenly cut it all off. She noticed her brother flush a little as he spoke to Bella, Kiara tilting her head in disbelief. "We, uh, we used to make mudpies together when we were little."

"Right, no, I remember," Bella told Jacob with a smile although Kiara wasn't completely convinced that she actually did remember that. Bella turned to look at their dads again before looking at Kiara who was still yet to say a word. "Are they always like this?"

"It's getting worse with old age," Jacob answered instead, knowing that Kiara didn't spend enough time with them to know whether this was the norm of not. His twin shot him a small glare, not appreciating Jacob answering for her - and because she still was annoyed at him getting detention and leaving her stranded in the Forks torrential rain yesterday.

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