xl. well... shit.

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The silence descended over the room once more as Kiara processed what she'd just seen. She almost felt numb as the reality sank in - stunned into silence despite having so many questions racing through her mind.

It didn't take long for Kiara to realise what it meant; Bella was pregnant with a vampire baby. A little baby leech. Her initial shock quickly gave way to a mixture of emotions; fear, worry and anger all seemed to fill up inside of Kiara as she processed this information. Everything suddenly made sense - Rosalie's random protectiveness towards Bella, Edward's reluctance in telling her anything when she arrived, the entire family suddenly dropping off the radar... they had all known about this secret pregnancy for almost a week now, and none of them wanted Kiara or her pack to find out about it.

Bree and Jasper stood deadly still in a corner of the room, both furthest away from Bella. She'd been bleeding more often than usual, and while they'd both not had any incidents, they wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible.

Kiara's eyes darted around the room, trying to make sense of everything. She wanted to scream, to lash out at the Cullens for keeping such a life-altering secret from her. She was the one who had negotiated Bella's transformation, after all - why had they kept this from her? Her head was spinning with emotions as she took a step towards Bella. Just as Kiara got a little bit closer, Beverly stepped in front of her, her eyes narrowed a little.

"Stay back," the blonde warned, her voice low and dangerous. "It's not safe for you to be near her right now."

Kiara slowly nodded, her eyes narrowed as she took a step back from Beverly and squeezed her hands into fists for a moment as she tried to calm the flare up of anger that hummed through her body at the blonde vampire's initial reaction. It wasn't just Rosalie that was worried Kiara would hurt Bella, it seemed.

Bella looked scared, her eyes darting from one person to another as she clutched the blanket tightly around her. She had known Kiara would be annoyed, but she'd hoped her imprint with Rosalie would make her want to agree with Rosalie's wish to keep the child safe. It was selfish of her to think so - but when it came to her child... she'd do anything for them.

"What the hell is going on?" Kiara finally spoke up, her voice low and dangerous. "How long have you known about this?" She looked at Edward accusingly, knowing that he had been keeping something from her. The other Cullens remained silent, each of them avoiding her gaze. Kiara's eyes rested on Bree for a moment longer, internally noting that if she had been human she'd have thought she was about to start crying with nerves.

Edward sighed heavily, his eyes flickering to Bella before returning to Kiara. "We found out about the pregnancy a little over a week ago," he began, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kiara felt the anger rise within her once again, her fists clenching at her sides once again. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, her voice laced with hurt. "I thought we were supposed to trust each other."

"We didn't want to put you in danger," Esme spoke up suddenly, her voice soft.

"Danger? Holy shit, she's pregnant with some leech spawn!" Kiara snapped back, ignoring as Bella and Rosalie both flinched at her words. "How the hell did you think this was going to work, huh? One day you'd all come holding hands and skipping towards our land with a little baby human-killing machine and expect us to just move on?"

"It's just a BABY!" Beverly snapped back at Kiara, her teeth bared a little. Kiara scoffed, almost squaring up to the taller vampire as she took a threatening step towards her. She could see Emmett tense from the other side of the room, and Kiara knew regardless of his feelings about Bella's pregnancy that Emmett wouldn't hesitate to send her out the glass window wall if she even laid a finger on his mate.

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