xlvi. making... up

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Kiara hadn't realised how tired she had been until she'd finally allowed herself to lie down, a deep sigh escaping her body as the tension finally allowed itself to seep out of her bones. She almost found the slow thumping of Bella's freezing heart from upstairs almost therapeutic, a steady rhythm lulling her to sleep.

She didn't hear Jacob walk in, didn't hear him sit down on the floor next to the couch she was laying on, didn't hear him say her name as he looked at her. She just let herself drift away, her body so heavy with sleep that she couldn't control her eyes anymore, her head tilting to the side as another deep, ragged breath escaped her lips.

"Hey, Kie," Jacob said as he stared over at her. She rolled her head to look at him, her eyes slowly blinking as she tried to focus on him, slight annoyance in her body as she looked at her twin for waking her up when she was finally about to get some sleep. "I'm so sorry for bringing you into all of this... it's all because of me and my obsession with Bella. I see that now."

Kiara blinked a few times, finding herself unable to understand what he was saying because of how tired she was. Out of everything that had happened today, everything that had been weighing on her mind, Jacob's apology seemed to be the most confusing thing. She didn't quite know why it was the thing she was having the hardest time processing, but it just didn't make sense to her.

"Jacob, I appreciate it," Kiara mumbled out, stretching as she rolled over on the white couch. "But that could have waited until I had slept. Get out of here, weirdo."

Jacob chuckled, making no attempt to move from where he was leaned against the side of the couch, leaning back a little and allowing his own eyes to gradually close as the sun peeked through the clouds outside. Seth and Leah would remain on watch until the twins woke up, and then they'd switch. Sam's pack might have left, but Kiara was still on high alert until otherwise.

"Night Kie," Jacob mumbled, hearing his sister's breaths get heavier.

"Night Jake."


The sun on her face woke Kiara up, gently and carefully. She groaned a little, her eyes still clamped shut as she stretched her body out on the soft white couch. Her hand felt the soft material of a blanket, opening her eyes ever so slightly to see the large object had been draped over her - Rosalie, she assumed.

Jacob was nowhere to be seen, clearly having woken up before she had and decided to leave her to it. She could faintly hear the little giggles of a child from outside - if that was where Renesmee was, she knew Jacob wouldn't be far behind. She remembered what it felt like when she'd first imprinted on Rosalie, that urge to just be at her side. That being said, Kiara made a mental note to have a discussion with Jacob about his imprinting, considering Renesmee was literally barely a day old.

Kiara pulled at the blanket that was still covering her body, realising that while someone had put a blanket over her, she'd still slept through it. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head at her own laziness as she got to her feet and walked over to the window. Her eyes searched for her brother as she walked over to the window. She pressed her forehead against the glass as she looked towards the forest, seeing Jacob standing in his wolf form, while Renesmee was being held on his back by Seth. Leah was standing next to them both, a small smile visible on her face no matter how much she wanted to hide it.

Edward was laughing, making sure to take a photo of it on one of Beverly's vintage cameras so that he could show Bella once she had woken up. Esme was standing with them, giggling at the laughs that were leaving baby Renesmee's mouth as Seth supported her on the back of the wolf.

"It's nice to see them together, isn't it?"

Kiara jumped a little, turning her head to see Beverly walking into the room holding a plate of food. She nodded, her mood significantly lighter than it had been before she had slept. It was like she'd woken up to a different universe - one where they hadn't almost lost everything the night before.

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