Chapter 5

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AVERY'S BODY WAS SHAKING as she read Shelly's reply. Her hands trembled as she opened the locator app on her phone. There would be no turning back; she told herself as she confirmed her tracking request. As the instructions said, it will only take a minute or two for the results to arrive.

Her heart skipped the moment her phone chimed. Her cell phone got heavier, and she felt her hand weaken. She knew she had this. She told herself to relax and breathe. Opening the message gave her hope and anxiety at the same time. Avery hoped that if tracking was a success, it would surely help her in finding the truth. But she knew she would forever be anxious and guilty since she had to do it behind David's back.

"You are just playing smart on the game David started!" Shelly's words echoed in her mind. They assured her that what she was doing was right. After a deep sigh, she opened the message. 

LOCATE ME APP: David is at HOME.

She couldn't believe it was accurate. But she didn't know what to do next. She began having another round of crazy thoughts. Likely scenarios here and there confirming David's cheating. Since that night, her imagination had gone wild. So wild, she started imagining David with different employees of the firm. All to analyze mentally who might play the cheating game with her fiance. But since she didn't have receipts, as Shelly called it, she could only imagine things.

Now she could have all the receipts in the world!

The notification sound of a message woke her from her thoughts. Before she could reply, Shelly was already calling her.

"How was it, Ave? Can't wait to know!"

"It's amazingly accurate."

"Very good! Now we can start. We have to have a code!"

"What code? What do you mean?"

"Ave! Like in the movies, anything can happen, you know. So we have to make sure we cover our bases. Don't you watch movies?"

"I do. But not the spy or action movies."

"If you watch sad romances like the ones with love triangles and betrayal, that's how they do it. First, change his name on your tracker app. So even if someone else sees the tracking result, it's not his name that will show up."

"Oh, okay, I got it."

"We have to give him another name so we can talk about him whenever we need to, even in front of other people."

"I should use the same name on the tracker. What do you think, Shells?"

"That's a great idea! Just text me the details about the code."

"But when do I use it?"

"From this moment. Anytime that bastard's ass leaves your apartment, the mission starts."

Avery's voice croaked. "Shells, are you sure we're doing the right thing?"

"Of course!" Shelly's loud sigh followed. "Unless you have another idea?"

There was complete silence from Avery's end. Since she seemed to have lost her quick-thinking skills, she could not concentrate on anything. Her hormones make her dreamy and emotional. As a result, every song she heard sounded sad and heartbreaking. She had gone crazy. Music or a movie could easily make her cry and laugh simultaneously. Even a pillow commercial made her cry.

But, of course, her excuse for crying was that she remembered David had gifted the same pillow gifted to her when he asked her to move in with him.

"Avery! I guess you don't have any idea with that long silence."

"Sorry. What were you saying?"

"Ave! Don't tell me you zoned out in the last three minutes?! Focus!"

"I know. I think it still hasn't sunk in. We were just so happy after we got engaged. And we just confirmed a schedule with my dream wedding planner. But then this shit happened!"

"Stop the fucking sobbing, Ave! Cheaters don't have a sense of time or day. Wherever, whenever they feel shit, they strike!" Loud breathing on Shelly's end overpowered the sobbing from Avery's line. "You will get over this! I promise you, whether you want to leave David or fight for what you two have, you have me all the way! Understand that?"

Avery nodded continuously. "I know, Shells. Thank you so much. I'm sorry..."

"I love you, Ave." Shelly took one deep breath. "I know it's easier to say confront and leave him. But who am I to preach? I'm to marry a guy who did the same thing to me. Be strong. You have a battle ahead of you."

"Thanks. I need to hang up before David returns from the other room."

"Okay, you can text or call me anytime. Don't forget the code name. Love you. Bye!"

"Bye, Shells, love you!"

The silence that followed mirrored Avery's weak mind and body. Ever since that night, she'd dreaded being alone in their apartment, especially in their bedroom. Every corner reminded her of David and everything they had together. She thought Shelly was right. The easiest way is to confront him and leave. But it would be easier said than done.

Avery didn't want to cry, knowing that David was just in the other room, but her eyes had their own mind. When she looked around and saw their engagement picture in a replaced frame, the sobbing became a powerful force she couldn't fight anymore. She wished one could easily replace broken trust, like when one replaces a broken frame with a new one.

"What is wrong, babe? Why are you crying?"



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