Chapter 53

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SHELLY STAYED WITH AVERY while waiting for the men to return from David's unexpected invitation. 

The drive to the Ocean Bar was enlightening for Ethan. Art's words of concern and encouragement confirmed to him why Shelly and Art are Avery's do-or-die.

"Man, we should be thankful we're not in David's shoes right now. Not that I wished that for him. But it scared me. I witnessed how Ave was so in love with him before the cheating and how she tried to give him a chance. And when he was begging her to take him back." Art loosened a few buttons on his shirt. "I've never been so grateful for getting Shelly's forgiveness. But watching how the woman you love declared she does not feel the same way about you anymore was scary. That you can't do anything about it because she's now more in love with someone else."

Art's face twitched. Ethan nodded. "I can't imagine how heartbroken he must have been. But David's smart. He should have seen the consequences of his actions. I still can't understand why he did what he did to Ave."

Art's animated voice and face suddenly turned serious. Ethan sighed. He felt embarrassed remembering that Art had cheated on Shelly once before their marriage. "I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean it for you to..."

Art dismissed the apology. "It's okay. I just remembered Shelly's face, then. It wasn't my proudest moment." When Ethan looked at the driver and reminded Art that someone beside him could hear them, Art smiled. He looked in the driver's direction and yelled. "You should learn from what you hear from us. So you won't make the same mistakes with your girlfriend or wife!"

The driver glanced at them through the rearview mirror. "I'm sure super-rich as you are, and with your position, you had your driver sign an NDA." Ethan laughed at what Art said. 

Art took a deep breath. "I can't speak for David, but from my experience... I was so stupid. It just happened. I was amazed that a single woman could still fall for me despite knowing I was engaged. To this day, the hurt on Shelly's face still haunts me at night. Do you know I even prayed in different churches, promising that as long as she forgives and accepts me back, I will live my life making it up to her? That explains my behavior towards her. Obeying and giving in to what Shelly wants is nothing compared to the pain I caused her." Art kept shaking his head. "If I have to kneel on her feet to make her happy, I'll do it, no questions asked. It wouldn't be enough to pay for my sins."

Everyone felt Art's regret for cheating on Shelly through the silence inside the car. Finally, Ethan tapped Art on the shoulder. "I'm so glad you realized Shelly's importance before it was too late." 

"Me too." Art nodded in agreement as he felt grateful for still having Shelly.


When they arrived at the Ocean Bar, Ethan saw from the entrance David and Attorney Bartlett seated in a booth talking seriously. He did not know what the meeting was about. But he came with only one goal in mind: to do everything for the sake of Avery and the baby. Even if it would mean talking and having a peaceful relationship with the man he didn't like the most.

Art saw the hesitation on Ethan's face. Though he wasn't a fan of David's misdeeds towards Avery, he knew he needed to step up as a friend who wanted peace and love for everyone. So, in his always cheerful tone, he cued Ethan. "Man, remember we're here for Ave and the baby. Let us be the bigger people." 

Ethan nodded and laughed big when Art placed his fisted hand on his heart and kissed his fist, saying, "For the love of Ave!" Then, he motioned for them to proceed to where David was. 

Art followed Ethan's lead. He clapped his hands and whispered, "Let's start this party."

Except the meet-up wasn't a party as expected. It was, in Art's words, a man-to-man meeting. Attorney Bartlett has the copy of the birth registration form Avery and Ethan filled up and submitted before him. In front of David was a copy of his will. The first few minutes were ice cold. Nobody dared to say a word.

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