Chapter 56

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Mama T: Our dear Avery, how are you and the baby? Shelly sent us a picture of David with our grandson. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I can't wait to see and hold him. We love you both!

AS DAVID READ HIS mother's message, Avery also read Mama T's message while feeding the baby in the nursery. A baby was indeed a blessing. Though both first saw the baby as their connection, reading the messages they received reminded them of this. They weren't the only ones with whom the sweet bundle of joy connected. They also needed to consider their families whether or not they admitted it.

Mama T's message reminded Avery of a promise. She promised David's mother a lifetime connection. When they talked the last time, the woman she considered a mother had been apologetic, understanding, and loving toward her and her situation. She promised that whatever the circumstances between her and David, his parents, especially his mother, would not be deprived of any connection with her grandchild.

Avery felt sorry that with all the recent events, she'd only focused on her feelings and disregarded David. She forgot that just like her parents, another set of grandparents in Boston had been waiting in anticipation of her son's coming. It glinted in her mind; one reason for breaking up with David then took a toll on her. Their parents had formed a strong bond. It also shattered their hearts when they separated.

Mama T painfully told her about the worry and longing she felt for the situation of David's baby in LA. Though she had the chance to persuade and beg Avery to stay, she didn't. She only asked for the opportunity to be a part of the baby's life. Focused on herself, she forgot about it. Avery wouldn't have thought of it if Shelly didn't send the picture. Nathaniel Thomas was not a string; she and David could push and pull toward their goals.

Remembering what David told her about the baby in LA, Avery knew she couldn't break Mama T's heart for a second time. She may not be getting back with David, but she had the power to keep a grandchild's connection with his grandparents.

"Are you okay?" 

Ethan's voice woke Avery from her thoughts. Quietly, he sat on the chair's armrest where she was seated. Their son reminded him of Ella when she was still a baby. He felt a pinch of sadness remembering a baby Ella in his arms instead of her mother's. Watching Avery feed the baby gave him a feeling of a man's undying love for his wife and child.

"Mama T messaged me. She saw a picture of David and the baby." Avery said instead of answering Ethan's question.

Ethan squeezed her shoulder. "She messaged David too."

"How was your talk? What did he say?" she asked.

"It was good. We were cool, thank God! First, he'll go over the document with Attorney Bartlett. Then he'll tell us if he has any requests or suggestions." Ethan slid a finger inside the baby's fisted hand.

Avery smiled and touched Ethan's cheek.

"I'm glad. I was thinking of inviting David's parents to come for a visit. So they can stay at my parents' house. So they get the chance to see and hold the baby. But, unfortunately, I don't think we'll have the time to go to Boston soon."

"Sounds like a good plan. But I think it's best to make them come for an important occasion, like a baptism, maybe?" Ethan smiled as his eyes locked with hers.

Avery smiled back with a grin. She imagined Shelly screaming at the top of her lungs when she asked her to plan the event.


The sprawling lawn facing the boathouse was a magnificent sight. Shelly lived to her promise of giving her godson a baptismal celebration for the books. A garland arch of Blue, silver, and yellow balloons adorned the made-up stage at the center of the lawn. It was an eye-catching view added with the water as the backdrop. The event's theme, Thomas' Book of Blessings, written on a prominent book symbol, was plastered on the stage.

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