7. what the hell!?

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Angelina POV

tomorrow her birthday

Here I am thinking to myself am I really that precious?

Well let me tell you what happened at dinner

It has been 6 days since I started to live here and everything was good I found that Gorge is a huge fan of my songs

We haven't talked much but just small hello when we pass by

"so, tell me princess what do you want for your birthday?" Daniel asked

"I really don't need anything I told them too" I said pointing to my brothers

"that's rubbish baby you are the most precious girl in this and you deserve everything" Daniel said kissing my forehead

"yes dad is right baby" Oliver said

"I am not a baby" I huffed

"oh yes you are" harry teased

"then Charlie is a baby boy too" I said

"no I am a total 14 minutes elder than you" Charlie said

"only 14 minutes doesn't matter" I huffed

"oh it of course baby sis" Noah said

I huffed then I squeaked as I felt myself being lifted and immediately clung on to him like a kola afraid that I will fall

"my precious princess" Daniel said placing my head on his shoulder as I wrapped my legs around his torso

I was brought out of my taught as I felt myself being tucked in by Daniel and like always in these six days he kissed my forehead and said "sleep tight princess"


I wan in middle of some white fluffy things

"Clouds?" I murmur to myself

"Angie" I heard a very familiar voice

"dad" I whisper tears through my eyes seeing Robert standing in front of me

"I know I miss you too Angie come here give me a hug" and that was all it took for me to rum into his arms

"I am sorry it was because of you went to buy my birthday gift you died sorry dad" I broke down

Then I felt his arms around me it felt so real to be a dream

"where am I?" I asked

"you are in a place called Hazel Falls" dad replied

"Hazel Falls?" I asked

"yes dear I have something very important to tell you and we have time only till you wake up once you are up I cant see you again okay?"

"what do you mean dad?"

"listen carefully okay?" dad said sounding serious

I just nod my head

"so tomorrow I mean at 12 midnight you will be fourteen tonight remember do not freak out as you will find something change in yourself all you need to do is in your teddy bear there will be a letter with a metal box will be there the key to the box is there inside of left arm of the stuff toy and you will find the key; first read the letter then open the box" dad said

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