29. "SIMPLE?!?!"

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Angelina POV

"Where are we going?" I ask my fam as they decided that it was a good idea to surprise me

Why do you ask when you know they won't answer you?

Shut up Crystal, can't you like support me for once, we share the same body for crying out loud


"surprise, and don't you even dare to read any of our minds or no chocolates for a month" replied twinny making me whine again

"Ok we are here close your eyes" papa said and I did it with a sig has I know it's useless to argue

"ok so just follow me" I hear papa say and then someone took my hand and lead me out of the car to god knows where

After walking for two minutes, I said

"I swear if you plan on killing me, I will personally haunt you" I said and they all chuckled

"You won't die baby" Oliver said and I nodded

"Ok you can open it now" said twinny and I carefully removed my blindfold and gasped at the sight in front of me

"WE ARE ON PICNIC" I shouted seeing the blanket spread under the large oak tree and filled with delicious FOOD!!!

"yes, I taught it was good if we had a break from all the hectic life" Harry said

"Hey! It was my idea"

"No mine"

"I was the one suggested it"

"Guys, guys, guys let calm down, ok? Whoever gave the idea they are awesome but now let's enjoy and not fight kay?" I butted in

"yes" they say together
'creepy" I mutter

"so what to do now?" Oliver asked

"spend quality time with my fam" I replied as we all sit under the tree

"papa tell me about the boys childhood" I say and all boys freeze and papa smirked

"NO" my brothers yelled

"yes" I said

"I will definitely tell you baby, come here" papa said gesturing for me to sit on his lap and I did happily snuggling my face in his chest and started to play with the end of his shirt

"when Harry was just learning to walk, Oliver took one of his toys and held it up in the air saying Harry to stand up and take it..." "not this one" Oliver said but papa completely ignored him and continue much to Oliver's disappointment "then Harry practically climbed on top of Oliver who fell down, then Harry sat on Oliver's stomach and played with his toy till he shit on Oliver" papa said and we all burst out laughing except Oliver and Harry who were avoiding eye contact but smiled

"tell me more papa" I said

"when you both were born we were so happy to see you, you both were very tiny at that time, I remember the day you were born like yesterday

"come on amore just a few minutes and we will be in the ward" Daniel said to his wife

"yes mom just a few more minutes" Oliver said who was 8 followed by a 6 year old Harry

Gorge, Noah and Jacob were at the house with their grandparents

'fuck you Daniel I am making sure you are never laying a finger at me" she shouted clutching her nine months full stomach

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