22. A Christmas morning

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Angelina POV

Angelina: 10 years

I was harshly woken up from my not-so-peaceful sleep by ice cold water poured on me

"ahh" I screamed opening my eyes

"good morning princess" Alexzander said kissing my now freezing wet forehead "you are so beautiful princess I just I can keep you locked up just for me forever" he said

"you re already doing it" I glared at him

"was that you talking back I heard? you know very well by now that a princess should never talk back" he yelled and slapped my face hard that my face fell sideways

"that hurt" I said

"its supposed to"

"please release my arms they are paining from being in the same position for three nights" I begged him as my hands are really starting to hurt

"I was here to do that in the first place but you just lost that privilege by talking back to me" he said and my face fell

"please just do it I will never talk back again I promise please it hurts from being stretched above my head for so long" I cried

"shush princess I know it hurts and I don't like to see you in pain too but you always put me in difficult position princess, now stop crying you know I don't like it when you cry" he said wiping my tears

"please" I whispered as my stomach grumbled loudly making him chuckle

"when was the last time you ate princess?"

"three days" I replied

"aww don't worry you can eat today after Conner teaches you a lesson on backtalk" he said kissing my lips as I shivered both of cold and fear

Fear of Conner

"please don't send Conner I won't do it again please" I said

"I know you won't do it again princess but you should be taught a lesson" he said

"please I bed you" I whimpered

"hey love birds how is it going?" Conner said entering my cell

"well princess here taught it was ok to talk back to her future husband" Alexzander said

"that's very bad doll I taught we were past the disrespecting phase" Conner said punching me in my stomach which made me cough blood on his shirt

"you bitch this was my new shirt" he shouted at me

"I was thinking you can have a session with her as she talked back and now this" Alexzander said pointing at Conner's now red shirt

"I would love to teach her some more rules" Conner said grabbing the whip from the wall


I opened my eyes gasping for air

I sigh

Another nightmare

Why don't they just leave me alone?

Anyway, removing all the bad memories, I look at my digital clock to see it was three

Today is Saturday and considering the events of yesterday especially meeting Xerxes must tire them out so no one was awake

Considering today is Christmas I plan on reveling my professional life to them

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