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I eyed her completely astounded

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I eyed her completely astounded .Y/N was standing there wearing an ivory white Hanbok with handmade floral design and prints on it as her hairs up into a bun while she looked through the photo frame, as the photographer flashed his camera at her brining me out of my thoughts. I called her out to hand up her food.

You: "Y/nie come food is here."
As soon as she heard me she immediately bowed and payed the photograhper and came to me running like a kid all huffing and puffing due to the heavy hanbok.

Y/N: "What do you bough- oh cup noodles and Tteokeobokki. Smells delicious."
Her eyes sparkled up seeing the food,well why not she is a foodie though.

Y/N: "Thanks Chae this really helps my hunger."

Y/N'S POV :-

Chae went to buy food for us meanwhile I was wandering along the streets until something caught my attention. An old lady was selling some hanboks she had in which there was a floral print hanbok which was so eyecatching, but then I wonder why no one was buying it.........anyways why do I even care let's get it before its too late. I walked over her to ask the price.

You: "Ajumma, what is the price of this"
I said pointing at the Hanbok as I took my time to scan and admire it to my fullest.

Ajumma: "Oh! Dear, it's 15,000 ₩
She said smiling sadly, OH! But why?!

Y/N: "Daebak! Then I should buy it."
I was about to pay but ajumma cut me off.

Ajumma: "Child this hanbok is the pair for another one thats for your boyfriend or husband but i dont see him."

Husband- no like seriously husband. All my life I have myself acting all ignorant around boys I can't even accept to have a male bestie...shrugging that thought off I asked her that probably I could rent this.

You: "Ajumma...I - uh I am single so can  I rent it for now actually I- when I'll get married I'll take this along with me."

I said that in one breath shutting my eyes feeling lowkey emabarssed for God knows what.

Ajumma: *chuckle* "Why are you getting nervous my child? It's okay if you are single and you can rent it too right."

I mentally slapped my self for being such an idiotic person I mean you can say it frankly if you were single Y/N what was the need to act like you have been in a crime for being single. But wait I can rent it though-

You: "Thank you so much for keeping this for me and can I try it once because it's so beautiful by the way who made it ajumma."

Ajumma: "I made this hanbok for me and my husband. It took me a lot of time and a lot of hard work to complete it......and I wanted that when I will get married me and my husband will wear this. I got married at the age of 25 and everything was fine even my hanboks were ready to wear .........but then an incident took away all my happiness and dreams."

She suddenly sobbed making me almost startled as her expressions dropped down. I crouched down at her level that's the best thing I could to to calm her up.

You: "Ajumma, You know life isnt easy, just move om and try to accept everything don't live in agony and pain."

Ajumma: "It's okay I'll cheer up child we became so much emotional you go and try this."

I nodded and went to the room changing into it and stepped out flaring it around dramatically.

Ajumma: "Woah, I gotta say this fits you perfectly even though it was not made for you and you know what?.....this is the symbol that your future husband is gonna love you endlessly."
Now how am I supposed to react to this- I-

You: "Oh umm well that's a pretty good thing I.. guess hehe by the way I hope you won't mind If I can have few pictures of mine with this on?"

I said pointing towards a flower frame with white meshy fabric hanging down.

Ajumma: "Sure child go ahead"

I went toward the frame and stood in front of it as I asked the photographer to capture some photos of this beautiful Hanbok. I paid bowing as a thank you as I looked at the pictures pretty satisfied with my appearance. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind as I asked her.

You: "A-ajumma how is the second pair of my hanbok."

Ajumma: "Oh you mean the other piece .......well here is the second pair of your hanbok."

I saw it and was in awe cause it had such beautiful full sleeved arms and even a tassel was hanging down there

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I saw it and was in awe cause it had such beautiful full sleeved arms and even a tassel was hanging down there. Just...... perfect. After that, I gave money to ajumma that's when Chae called me I turned around to see hot steaming cups of food in her hands as my patience dried up and I ran towards her.

You: "what you bo-

I paused as I saw cup noodles and tteokeobokki. Even they looked so tempting. I snatched it away from her hand thanking her as I made myself comfortable over the bench.

Cherry: "Y/Nie wait here lemme also buy a hanbok for me then we can have some good time around.!"

I nodded and she went to buy hanbok for herself.

She came back wearing a pretty plain hanbok with golden borders which hugged her waist perfectly. I must say I am jealous a heck right now cause her body has beautiful curves and she rocks in all kinds of outfits.

 I must say I am jealous a heck right now cause her body has beautiful curves and she rocks in all kinds of outfits

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Cherry: "How am I looking?"

Y/N: "duh! Do u even need to ask you're looking like a burnt burrito ."

Cherry: "who am I even asking. Now get your butt up and let's go for some stroll around here."

I nodded as we went to watch the sunset as the the pink sky started to melt into a blue shade as night started to take over our time went well...

IDOL'S OBSESSION- KTH FF (COMPLETED)✔Where stories live. Discover now