*authors note*

20.4K 427 107

*Not an update*

Okay, holy shit
204 reads on this story. You have no idea how crazy this is to me. I'm actually so sorry I never update, and all I can say is that you should expect slow updates. I don't actually have wifi or internet at my house.....so I have to use my phones 3G for updating on wattpad, and when I run out I don't generally get more for a fair while 😔

Anyway, I will he trying to update more. I actually have up to The Goblet of Fire prewritten, but I look back on the beginning and I cringe, and have to rewrite 😁

I thought that I'd tell you some things about this Fanfiction;
Each book will be put into a seperate story, and I'll be using the original Harry Potter book names.
The Philiosopher's Stone and the Chamber of Secrets will be mostly following the script from the movie, only because it was quicker an easier, and I want to get onto The Prisoner of Azkaban, because that's where it gets more interesting.
This is a Draco Malfoy love story, but that will only really come into play in Prisoner of Azkaban. For that exact reason, I want your opinion; should I continue on with the first book, and just work my way up? Or I can delete this story, and restart it at Prisoner of Azkaban, and you can all just assume that the events in the first two years go exactly as they do in the actual Harry Potter books.
Please comment what you think I should do. 😊

By the way, the picture on the side is India Eisley, and she's who I imagine Haylee looking like.

~Sarah xx

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