Chapter 20: Meeting (part 2)

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Everyone seemed taken aback by my question, all their eyes wide. I smiled at their reaction, they were not expecting me to take such a turn.

"I apologise for shocking you, I already know the importance of protecting Opal from her former lover -if you could even call her that- but I want to know what is expected of me when I am to be introduced. Surely there are standards I must meet as the future alpha's lover?" I asked.

Opal's mother and father shared glances, then with Ophelia and Marielle who then all stared at me. I felt rather uneasy. What was with these odd reactions? Was it something I said? Opal's father was the first to speak up.

"Well, you're already doing a good job. Asking the right questions is a great sign of maturity. Sure, we might have to teach you how to use utensils and such but I doubt that would be a major problem for you, you seem smart so I doubt it'll be difficult." He said with an encouraging smile.

I smiled back.
"Your words are far too kind. How much time could we use for the set date of the party?" I asked. This was when Marielle spoke up.

"Speaking of, I was thinking we organise the party for next month. Right now the harvest in the witch's herbal farm is coming up so it should be all hands on deck for that event. Most of the main workers will have to help." She proposed.

Opal's mother held her chin with her thumb and forefinger, obviously thinking carefully about it, as it was a good proposition. She looked up at Marielle with a smile after nodding to herself.

"Excellent suggestion, I suggest you talk to Victor, he'll help you sort out the workers since that's his expertise. Ophelia," She said, turning her attention to Ophelia.

Ophelia's posture immediately straightened.
"Ma'am." She said

"Go to Adlar and see how the hunters are going. During the harvest, there's a high chance magical beasts will try to steal the crops and herbs. Make sure all preparations are complete for the worst. We can never be too careful." She ordered.

"This woman has quite the political experience, I am very impressed." Said Ximena.

I was impressed as well, not many people can come up with solutions like that in such a short amount of time.

Ophelia nodded her head.
"I won't let you down!" She said with confidence.

Opal's mother smiled,
"I know neither of you will, you two are the finest members of this council, make sure everything goes smoothly and that the others are following their roles." She said.

"Opal," Said Opal's father. Opal looked at her father with a serious expression, ready to listen to his instructions. His facial expression was also serious but quickly softened as he looked at the both of us.

"Take your mate around town, let her learn the ropes of the place. Right now she has a month before she has to make her big entrance so make sure she's well prepared for the event." He said in an encouraging tone.

"Also, wear matching outfits or at the very least clothes that are made in a similar style or fabric." Interjected Opal's mother.

All of us erupted into chuckles and giggles at that. This turned out to be quite an interesting meeting.

However, the moment was quickly interrupted for everyone when my stomach decided to unleash a roar. I held my stomach, not expecting that to happen at all. The others simply paused and stared before erupting into giggles and chuckles once more.

Despite my initial embarrassment, I too rejoined in the exchange of happiness. The atmosphere was calm and lovely, I could not think of any words to describe the beauty I was feeling.

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