Chapter 21: Kids

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Before we could head out, I required some footwear, in this case, the "sandals" from what Opal called them. They were made out of leather, the bottom part of the foot being made out of wood.

The leather itself was brown and attached in a way that made a cross on top of my forefoot and wrapped around the heel. It was quite easy to put on considering I could just slip it in, it was surprisingly comfortable.

Even though I was not used to walking with them I could grow to enjoy the feeling of protecting my feet from the rocks on the ground. We had to return to Opals' room to retrieve these sandals.

There were quite a few to choose from, however, I went for the simplest pair as its colour complimented the green of the dress and did not draw too much attention to my feet.

Now we were once again within the town, many waved hello to Opal and wished her a good day. Many children also ran up to her and offered her flowers, which brings us to the predicament I find myself in now.

There was a small group of girls, four at most, three were triplets and blond while the fourth was a brunette with slightly tanned skin. They wanted to braid my hair and add the flowers Opal had gathered in her hands from the other children into it.

Though the idea itself seemed to be pleasant, I did not know how long it would take given the length of my hair. However, Opal had persisted that I had them do it, so now I was sitting at what they call a "bench", waiting for the lovely girls to finish.

Many people who walked by stopped to watch the children, and others would stare at me curiously, wondering who I was.
"We do not look like your casual wolf, it is no wonder why the people are so curious." Suad Ximena with a chuckle.

"You're hair's so smooth! Are you a princess?" Asked the brunette as she placed flowers carefully into my hair. I could not help but chuckled at her words as I shook my head gently.

"No I am no princess, are you sure that you are not a princess yourself? You are quite adorable." I said with a smile.

The little girl seemed shocked but released a giggle as a wide smile spread on her face and her cheeks became flushed.
"Th-thank you." She said quietly as she then focused solely on the flowers to hide her possible embarrassment.

She could not hide her smile though, she was quite happy that I had called her a princess.

Opal had left to go and retrieve some food for us while I sat with the children I kept my eyes on the door of the building she had entered to do so, waiting patiently for her to return.

"What's your relationship with miss Opal? Are you a friend?" Asked one of the triplets. I was unable to turn my head but I answered her either way.

"I am afraid I cannot tell you, that is private information," I answered. I heard the girl huffed.

"That's not fair! I wanna know!" She whined. I giggled at her reaction, these children are truly a blessing to their parents if they are this precious.

"These children are simply adorable! They remind me of you when you were but a pup." Said Ximena, letting out yet another chuckle at the memories of my younger years.

Considering we shared a mind, I too saw the memories she had of me. All the times of my disobedience and the times I was so clumsy I would constantly trip over my own feet. There were even times that I was stubborn and refused to listen to her.

I was an energetic pup, I can see why these children remind her of me. I giggled at the memories that flashed by, finding comfort in the fact that I had truly grown.

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