19 | Overwhelming Gestures

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Do follow me loved ones, so that you don't miss out on any important announcements!

I lovedd writing this chapter and the next two chapters which are all about your Adi and Rii. I hope, you will love reading it as much as I loved writing it.

Do vote ( Star Icon⭐) and comment dear ones, It motivates me to write more.

Enjoy the song above while reading this chapter. My friend crazy_shrey had given number of suggestions for songs on this story. Thanks love. ❤️❤️

Happy Reading!


Aditya's Pov

"Aditya pass me that. It's there." Mom ordered bossily, sitting at the dining table, pointing towards something on the kitchen counter.

"Ji" Clueless, I sauntered towards the kitchen, in the direction mom pointed, but couldn't figure out what 'that' is.

Knives? Plates? Bowl? Fork? Pumpkin?


I walked lost and mindlessly in the kitchen, figuring out what did she asked for, but couldn't find anything that would match her description of 'that'.

Taking cautious steps towards her, empty-handed, I spoke hesitantly, maintaining a good two feet distance in my defense.

"Uh mom, what did you want? I couldn't understand it."

Mom eyed me sideways, and scowling, she chided, "God! That square piece thing! I couldn't recall its name! Go now, bring it. It's near the crockery stand." Admonishing, she again focussed her undivided attention upon removing coriander leaves from its stems.

Making my way towards the kitchen, I again started my search spree for the 'square piece thing'.

Even after minutes of relentless search, and overusing my brain cells, I still couldn't fathom this square thingy thing.

Bracing myself up for the upcoming storm, with my heart pounding rapidly, sweat beads on my forehead, hands clammy, I approached my mother.

Empty-handed. Again.

I was tremendously terrified imagining her reaction, as I had a pretty good experience of what will follow next; deadly glares, murdersome face, blatant scoldings, followed by a free non-stop repeat telecast of all the mistakes I've ever committed in twenty-six years of my existence.

Nonetheless, honestly, most of the times I'm not at fault, because,

If mom says, bring a red bucket, she would mean pink.

If she says, bring clothes from outside, then it could be, front outside, backyard, terrace, balcony, anything! And I would fail to comprehend what the hell 'outside' is in her context.

If she would ask for a square-shaped thing, then ultimately it would turn out something circular, or triangular, or rectangular.

If she would say drawers, then she would also mean almirah and bed backs but she would never mention it! Because it's your duty to catch into her hidden meanings!!

"Mom, uh, I couldn't find it." Stuttering, I spoke meekly, masking the most innocent face, silently praying God to save me this last time.

Narrowing her eyes at me, she peered with her infamous deadly glare, and stomped towards the kitchen, all the while warning me, "If I found it na Aditya, I'm not going to leave you today!"

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