33 | E

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"Gia- Gia! Stop, Gia. Stop!"

"What!" She pulled her arm out of my grip.

I was completely out of breath from chasing her all the way to her car.

"WHAT." she repeated herself in a harsher, louder tone. "What? Huh?"

I did not have anything. Nothing on my mind, nothing to say. The look on her face when she saw me with Dimitri quickly flashed through my mind as we stood in utter silence. Gia had tears rolling down her cheeks that she aggressively wiped away.

I felt like complete shit. Though she had not been a good girlfriend, I still had no right to try to take her place. Cleo had said that this would happen, I had told myself this too yet there we were standing face to face in the predicted situation.

"You're full of shit, you know that?" Her eyes fell closed as she paused, her crying becoming more hysterical. "You actually made me feel bad about leaving him. And what do I get for coming back? Huh?" She sobbed, her breath hitched rapidly. "I'm done, you can both fuck off." She threw her hands up as though she was surrendering.

She rushed into her car and raced out of the driveway before my mind started to work normally again.

The cold air hit hard against my flesh and the realization that I had to go back and deal with Dimitri crept upon me. More than anything I wanted to redo the thirty minutes that had just passed.

I drew in a long breath and returned to his room.

"What did she say?" He fired his question at me before I had fully entered the room.

"What did she say, Emmanuelle?" He asked again when I took too long to answer.

"She's done." I mumbled.

"Dammit!" He voiced as he slammed his right fist into the pillow next to him. He let out an audible sigh whilst he buried his face in the palm of his hands. This was the look of someone who was overcome by the feeling of regret.

"You can go." His voice turned cold, like it was when I first moved back.

"I can go?" I asked out of disbelief.

He nodded with his eyes closed. I felt so hurt and humiliated that I stood there in silence, because I could not move. Perhaps a part of me was hoping that he would have a change of mind and ask me to stay. But, he did not.

"Nuelle, Go!"

The aggressive tone that was used sent me running to the door and not once did I turn around. That was what I was waiting for- confirmation that this was indeed happening, confirmation that he really wanted me to go.

Tears prickled my eyes and I wanted to sink into the ground but I was not going to do it in front of him. I pulled the door shut with a bang and took three more steps until my body slammed against that of another person.

I instantly stepped back and looked up to see that it was Anthony. He and I had yet to work on solving our own issues but that did not matter in this moment. I desperately needed someone to talk to about Dimitri and by the look on his face he had an idea of what was going on. So, I buried my face in his chest and let out my cries.

"Okay, come on." He said whilst he began leading me to my room.

I sat down on my bed, he stood against the closed door with his arms crossed. He stood there, watching me bawling my eyes out until I had calmed down a bit before he sat down next to me.

"So, it's not Marco?"

I shook my head.

Anthony wiped his face after which he turned towards me.

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