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I saw Gia standing by one of the booths, talking to some people. I walked over to her, wanting to let her know that I was done talking to her father and was ready to leave. As I got closer I noticed that she was talking to Marissa and Anthony. I then remembered that Marissa had promised to take Nuelle out. Mumbling a curse word under my breath, I straightened myself and continued my way over to the booth.


The moment I had said her name, everyone went quiet. I looked around the booth, starting with Anthony. His eyes were glued to my sister, it was as though the woman had cast a spell on him. Marissa looked annoyed, but she tried to conceal her true feelings with the fake smile she flashed at Gia. Then my eyes traveled further and met Nuelle's own. I gulped.

I silently groaned as I watched her part her lips to wet them.

"Well, you definitely look relaxed, brother." Marco smirked at me.

I simply ignored him.

"So, is this a double date or something?"

I could not care less about how much Anthony and my sister were touching each other, but I did not feel the same way about how close Marco was sitting to Nuelle. He had his shoulder against hers. I could understand why Gia had that idea in mind.

The moment Marissa mentioned that Nuelle was our sister, Gia's expression changed. From where I was standing I could see the deadly twitch in her eyes. She always had this look when she was about to flip.

Before I got the chance to open my mouth and give her some kind of explanation, she shot questions at me. She asked her questions calmly, but I knew that the storm would soon follow. Gia just knew better than to make a scene in public.

I did not want to come up with a lame excuse, but I also did not want to deal with her craziness which is why I told her the truth. She turned to Nuelle and introduced herself. I had hoped that the topic would change after Nuelle introduced herself in that sweet voice of hers, but no. It only made Gia ask more questions.

At one point during their conversation I had to step in and remind Gia of her place until Nuelle decided to intervene. I glared at her, because as much as I wanted to pull Nuelle towards me like I did with Gia, I could not.

"I missed my family." Nuelle said when Gia asked why she had decided to visit after so many years. To say that I was surprised is an understatement. She lied, but I could tell that there was a hint of truth hidden in her answer.

"So, I'm guessing you're my brother's girlfriend?"

I sighed. As much as I was grateful for the change in the subject, I wished that it was not changed by bringing up another one that I did not want to discuss. Gia, of course could not be more than happy to answer the question.

When the waiter arrived with the food it was as though my prayers for the whole situation to be over had finally been answered. Gia excused herself, but not before quickly yet passionately kissing me. She knew what she was doing as was I. For some reason she felt the need to put her affection for me on display. She was always jealous when other women came around me.

After a two-sentenced conversation with Marissa I made my way to the back of the restaurant.

"How come you never told me about her?" Gia venomously spat at me as soon as I walked through the door of her office.

"Why are you getting mad? She's my sis—"

"Who is not actually related to you and that you've never once mentioned."

She always made a big deal out of nothing, but this time she was right even if I did not admit it. At first I did not mention Nuelle because I never thought that she would come back into my life.

But then she did—  and she was slowly turning me into an obsessed person that was constantly lusting after her. I knew myself well enough. I knew that I would continue to feel that way about her until I would give into my feelings and needs.

"I am not done talking—"

I shut the door in her face and stormed out of the restaurant. I made sure to take the side door to not get noticed by the others and then raced my way home. It was around ten when I got home. Tia, Christoph and Emillio were still sitting in the living room, watching reality TV.

They did not seem to notice me walking into the house and I was not in the mood for small talk so I did not announce my arrival. I headed straight to my room.

My phone kept buzzing which irritated me. The first message she sent read "Fuck you for walking off." then two more followed. In one she apologized and mentioned that she overreacted, in the other she asked me to come back to her place.

"Yeah. Not tonight." I turned my phone off.

I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and though I was looking at myself, I saw her. She occupied my mind. She was like that hot stranger you randomly see somewhere one time and then never again, but this one— this hot stranger was walking around in my house dressed in jean shorts and slightly see through sweaters. This hot stranger was giving me looks that made me start to think that she secretly craved me just as much as I craved her.

I stepped in the shower, deciding that a cold one would do me right. But that was not exactly the case. As the water poured over me, all I could think about was what I would do if she were to join me. I instantly cursed myself out for the way I was thinking. I shut my eyes in an attempt to block every thought of her that crossed my mind.

One hour later I was laying in bed, the guilt of my pleasure was eating away at my mind and heart. Then I heard whispers coming from outside of my room. I heard a series of giggles which made me shot up in my bed. I quietly walked out of the room, thinking I was about to see Marco and Nuelle.

The thought of them getting close bothered me. My face scrunched up out of disgust as I saw Anthony and Marissa making out. They were laughing in between the kisses, then Marissa pulled him into her room. Though this was a sight I wished I had not seen, I was relieved that it was not Marco and Nuelle who were making out.

I brought my hand down my face as I thought about my actions. There I was standing in the hallway, waiting to see my brother and the woman who is suppose to be my sister walk by, hoping that I would not catch them doing anything that would upset me.

I returned to my room. With my hands crossed in front of my chest I leaned against my window. I deeply inhaled out. My teeth clenched, my mind was troubled. I was staring into the darkness for what seemed like forever.


I let out a loud sigh of frustration before I turned on my heel and walked out of my room. I ran my hands through my hair as I walked across the upstairs living room, heading to the bar area. I was in desperate need of a drink. That is when I saw Nuelle and my feet automatically stopped moving.

She was standing with her side towards me, giving me full access to view her from this angle. I took my underlip between my teeth as my eyes traveled around her little body that the dress fit so perfectly. It hugged her in all the right places, putting her small curves on display.

She turned around with a smile on her face which I think Marco had caused. A quiet gasp escaped her lips when she saw me. Her eyes focused on my lips and when I licked my under lip she bit down on hers.

Her eyes swiftly traveled my body whilst mine traveled hers. This time she did it openly and without shame. She let out small breaths through her mouth and nervously gulped. Then she rushed to get into her room, giving me the feeling that in some way she was feeling what I was.

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