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I often cried myself to sleep, sometimes waking up with the tears still dried on my face because I refused to wipe them away. Perhaps, I had tricked my mind into thinking that the pain I was feeling was not real if I did not have something to show for it- a scar, a painting or tears.

Then I moved back to Seattle and though the tears were still often spilled over my family situation, the reasons were different.

Every day since I had moved back I would ask myself why. Why did I want to be a part of this family so bad? Why did I think so highly of them? Why did I believe that they had a good reason for abandoning me? Why.

Why did I care so much for someone that obviously did not give two flying fucks about me? Marco was right, I was not as much upset about Marissa cheating on Anthony as I was about Dimitri getting engaged.

When I woke up the next day, Marco was not in the room with me. The clocked showed that it was almost six am so I figured that he was still asleep. I sat up, pulling my knees up to my chest and hugged my legs.

I was not ready to go back home. Referring to that place as my home equaled to drinking poison and saying that it tastes good. I hated them for lying and telling secrets but this whole time I was also lying to myself.

My thoughts were jumbled as the result of both, the drinking and all that happened.

I reached for my phone, wondering if any of them tried to contact me but my phone had died due to the low battery.

"Goodmorning, did you sleep well?"

"God," I looked up at Marco. My head started pounding even harder when his voice bounced on my ear drums.

"Here, it'll help with the hangover." He put down a tray with a glass of water, PB & J sandwich and aspirin on the nightstand as he sat down next to me.

He handed me the glass of water and patiently waited until I had taken a few sips before he put it back on the tray, handing me the sandwich.

"I thought you only knew how to make a cheese sandwich."

He smiled from ear to ear, "Well, you don't know everything about me."

"It feels like I don't know any of you, really." I took a small bite of the food.

Marco's smile disappeared from his face when he licked his lips, "I'm sorry about last night. I said some hurtful things. I take back my words."

"Thank you for looking after me." I had a hard time saying this. I too felt guilty about my actions of the night before.

"That's what you do when you care about someone." He said much to my surprise as he turned towards me, holding the little pill and glass of water in his hands.

I swallowed hard- the food and due to my nerves. I threw the pill into my mouth and quickly drank the water.

"Easy, there's no need to be nervous. All I said was that I care." He whispered, inching closer to my face.


"I know that you like my brother which I strongly dislike about you," his eyes narrowed into slits. "But, I'm patient. I won't manipulate you into liking me and I won't ever make you feel guilty about not feeling what I feel." He pulled himself back, got up and held the tray in front of me so that I could put the empty glass on it.

"I'll be right back." He announced before leaving the room again.

I was still speechless as if my tongue was tied in a tiny bow.

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