Eikichi and Sterling (Oni and Tiefling; Poly) NSFW

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"What would we even say on our  profile?" You asked your boyfriend, Eikichi

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"What would we even say on our profile?" You asked your boyfriend, Eikichi. The two of you had been dating for almost five years and had an open relationship, but recently the two of you had been talking about adding a third.

Eikichi was an oni who had immigrated from Japan several years ago. He had been the kami, or god, of an old town that no longer existed and presided over construction of his parishioners for several hundred years. Laborers and carpenters from that town used to come to his temple to pray to him for success in their ventures. When the town died out, he was left homeless and joined the human society when other yokai from his region decided to do so. He was no longer a god, but being the CEO of his own construction company was just as good, he said, and he was just as happy now as he had been when he lived in the temple.

Despite a significant age difference, the two of you had fallen in love over tea and books, and the fact that he was gorgeous. Six foot five, two hundred and fifteen pounds of pure muscle, ivory colored horns rising up out of his white hair, red skin like ripe cherries, and yellow eyes. He was stunning. It still amazed you that he chose you to fall in love with. How would you get that lucky twice?

"Just be honest," He said, his Japanese accent fairly heavy. "That we're poly and looking for a male to complete our family. Make it clear we're not looking for a unicorn."

"A real unicorn or a figurative unicorn?" You asked jokingly.

"A figurative one," He said with a smirk. "A real one might actually be cute."

"Real unicorns welcome," You typed. "Hehehe."

"Are you being purposefully vague again?" He asked, putting tea next to you on the desk.

"It's my favorite thing," You replied.

"I thought I was your favorite thing," He shot back, kissing the top of your head.

"Close second," You said, laughing. "Don't you have work soon?"

"I'm the owner, I can go in whenever I feel like it," He retorted. "Are you working today?"

Eikichi owned a construction business, and you sold handmade clothing online by commission only.

"Not today," You said. "I've been putting the housework off and I really should get to that mountain of laundry."

"We could just throw it all away and buy new clothes," He suggested.

"Don't tempt me," You replied, shooing him. "Go on. What are you thinking for dinner?"



"What? I like the way you make it." He gave you a kiss on the forehead, cheek, and lips before picking up his jacket. "I'll be home a bit early. It's expected to rain."

"Okay. Be safe." You hugged him and saw him out of the door.

You sighed and looked around the house, demoralized by the sight of the housework you'd been neglecting. Both you and Eikichi were a little slovenly, you had to admit, but it was an acceptable amount of clutter. Usually.

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