Bashir (Troll: World of Warcraft Design) NSFW

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>Hi. I know we don't know each other and this is pretty sudden, but I have a proposition for you, and it isn't what you think.

Vague, yes, but it would catch his attention quickly enough, you thought. You were desperate and didn't know what else to do.

>Oh, He messaged not long after. >What would that be?

>I want to pay you to go out with me for a while.

>I'm not a prostitute. Lol

>That's not what I mean, You replied, rolling your eyes. >I know this sounds weird, and if I had more money I'd probably just hire a bodyguard, but I don't.

>Why would you need a bodyguard?

You sighed. >I have a stalker ex-boyfriend. I dated him for about five months, but he was really possessive and crazy so I broke it off, and now he won't leave me alone. I moved here last month from across the state and he followed me. He showed up at my work today.

>Ah, I see. So you want me to rip his arms off?

>No, I just want him to see me with someone who is big enough to rip his arms off. Maybe it'll scare him away. You're the biggest guy I could find on here. Well, I did find a cyclops that was pretty big, but she wasn't interested.

>Have you gone to the police about this?

>Yeah, but they said unless I get proof he has intent to do harm, there's nothing I can do. I can't even get a restraining order unless he hurts me or causes property damage. It's like he has to beat me up before they'll do anything, and I'd rather not let it get that far.

>Gotcha. Why don't we don't meet for coffee tomorrow and talk it over?

>That sounds great. I'm free at lunch.

>Me too. I'll meet you at Leo's Diner, you know that one?

>No, but I can Google it. See you tomorrow at 11.

Bashir arrived right on time at eleven the next morning. He was a large troll, dark blue in color, with large, off-white tusks jutting out from the sides of his mouth and his long red hair braided in several placed and pulled back at the nape of his neck. He was muscular, thick in the waist, and around nine feet tall. He wore a suit, which was finely tailored to his body. You raised your eyebrows: his profile was sparse, so you didn't know what kind of job he did; you'd only chosen him because of his picture. But dressed like that, you were surprised he even agreed to take this "job."

"Hi, you're the one I'm supposed to meet today, right?" He said, extending his hand.

"Yes," You replied, standing and shaking his hand. Your hand was dwarfed in his. "Thanks for agreeing."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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