5 | Astrid

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Only a couple more miles 'til I am back at my childhood anxiety, regret, and gilt crawl up my neck, taunting me. To calm down I reach for my smokes- but they're not there. Those irritating people took my smokes! And my lighter! I'm going to kill him! That was my only pack!

I take a small detore and turn into a gas station. I park my car and walk into the building locking my car. Lots of heads turn, all male. There aren't any women in the building that I can see. All the revolting broots nude each other looking at me. I ignore them.

I go up to the goth cashier and order my smokes. He looks at me with a blank stare, groans and grabs a red box off the shelf. "ID." He grunts.

I laugh a little, and get my wallet out. I hand him my license, he looks at it and looks back to me, and back the card. He sighs and rings up my smokes and lighter. "Seven ninety-eight." He says.

I hand him a ten. "Keep the change, and stay happy." I tease. He rolls his eyes, and I walk back to my car. I'm about to get into my car, but I notice how shiny my car is. Did they wax it too? It's too late to get back now, so I'll just go in tomorrow and pay for the waxing. I can't owe him anything. He was only supposed to fix the dent he put in it. Not a wax job!

I get into my newly waxed car and speed down the road to my parents house. I love speed. Racing cars is the best thing to relieve stress for me. The Hustlers had a ew money making gigs, including drag racing. I loved it. The thrill of speeding down the road with no cares.

But all good comes to an end. As soon as I get to my parents street I drop forty miles per hour. My nerves begin to creep back to me. What will my father think about my appearance? Will he let me stay for a while? He won't accept me.

Before I know it, I'm pulling up to the driveway. My hands are shaking. I put my jacket on in hopes to cover my tattoos. In deep breaths I get out of my car and sling my bag over my shoulder, and walk up the steps to the front door. I never thought in a million years I would have to resort to this.

My hands shake as I knock on the door. At first I don't think it was loud enough, so I went to knock again, but the door opens and my father stands there, grey beard, grey crew cut. At first his eyes study my face.

After a few moments he gasps. "Astrid?" He begins to tear.

Then to my surprise, he lunges forward toward me and wraps his arms around me so tight I can barely breathe. We sink to the ground and I put my arms around his back.

"Who is it, dear?" I hear my mother say coming toward the door. She looks at me then starts crying on the spot. She rushes toward us and joins the hug. She weeps as she hugs us tight. This is not what I was expecting.

I honestly thought he would shut the door, or tell me to sleep on the couch. But hugging me so tight with... love? Not what I was thinking. Yes! It's great, more than great. But I'm just surprised.

Just then, a small, squeaky voice comes into view. "Mommy?"

I look over to see a small boy, who is wearing pajamas and rubbing his eyes. He looks just like my mother. "W-who?" I stutter.

The hug breaks for a moment. My parents stand behind the boy with their hands on his shoulders. "This is Charles. Your brother." My mother says.

My what?! I have a brother?! Um- no, I'm dreaming. I don't know what to say. He just stands there, looking at me. It makes me so nervous for some reason. Not now, I don't want to deal with it right now.

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