8 | Damon

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Finally driving home after a long job. Those men from the shop wouldn't shut up, so we shut them up. Now we will finally have peace away from those broots. But seeing Jane Doe earlier was nice. I pass through the town. It's almost pitch black. Apart from the restaurant lights that prevent full darkness.

While I pass the fancy, rich people restaurant I see an all too familiar white Audi A7 with black rims parked in the lot. What is Jane Doe doing there? Without hesitation I pull in and walk into the building. I ask for the bathroom.

"Back corner." She answers.

I thank her and walk toward the back corner looking around, scanning the tables for her. After a few minutes I find her wearing a beautiful dress that makes her body look so incredibly gorgeous. But then I noticed who she was dining with. The Sheriff's family? What is she doing with them?

The Sheriff was never fond of me. He pays the shop a visit at least once a week to check in and see if anything "unauthorized" is going on. They of course never find anything, because we don't do our business there. Josh and I live in the apartment over the garage. Come to think of it, I haven't had the pleasure to see him this week.

Seeing her with him is irritating. Is she working with him? To spy on me?! That is low, Jane Doe, very low. They are talking and each person has a different emotion on their face. I move closer behind a thick brick thing and listen to what they are saying.

"Do you need money? Is that why you came back?" I hear the Sheriff say.

"No! I got enough from selling my house." She scoffs.

"You bought a house?!" Both the Sheriff and his wife exclaim.

"How did you travel, and own a house with just a dozen jobs?" The Sheriff asks.

"I find my way around." She says.

Someone lets out a large huff. "Do you plan on staying with us forever, Astrid?"

Bingo! Got a first name!

"No! I'm only staying until I find a place! I'll just leave if you don't want me there." She says.

"I want you here, Astrid!" The son says.

"What place are you planning on staying?" The Sheriff asks with clear annoyance in his voice.

"I don't know! Like a trailer park? An apartment?" She says, sounding a little upset.

"A trailer park?" The Sheriff scoffs.

"Yea. And I'll be leaving tonight." Jane Doe snaps.

"Astrid. We are your parents!" Oh damn. "So I'm sorry we've been worried about you all these years!" I hear the wife say.

Astrid Steel. Sheriff's kid. I did not see that coming. All I need to know to get the rest of my information. With that I leave the building and speed my way back to the office. And about 1 fifteen minutes later, I get here and walk up to Patch's office.

"Ahh, I was just about to call you." He says.

I take a seat in front of his desks. "About what?" I ask him.

"I just couldn't let that mystery Jane Doe get away with being a mystery, so I dug deeper." He says.

"Oh perfect. That's what I was coming to talk to you about." I say putting my elbows on my thighs.

"Okay, so, Her name is Astrid Steel. Sheriff's daughter. Apparently she has been missing for ten years. And she was just found." He states.

"What happened in those ten years?" I ask.

"That's the thing. It's like she just fell off the face of the Earth. No credit card purchases, no phone records. I even copied what I could from the security camera recording of her voice, but nothing comes up." He explains. "And Sir, you know I'm good at my work, just as good as she was to stay hidden." He adds.

"Still nothing with face recognition?" I ask.

"Just her name." He answers.

"Okay, widen the search. I want to know where she was the last ten years." I order.

"Yes, boss." He says. I get up and turn to the door. "Boss." He says stopping me. I turn around. "May I ask, what is she to you?"

I don't know how to answer. What is she to me? It's not like she would want to be something to me, or I something to her. Something just seems intriguing about her. I want to know what seems off about her. So, instead of answering I just shrug my shoulders and walk out.

My mind races one all the possible stories that girl can carry. She could have been kidnapped and enslaved, used for work or torchered. For some reason it makes me angry with the thought someone put their hands on her and hurt her. If someone was doing that, and I find out, they are dead. With all this anger built up, I make my way to the basement and to the gym.

I strip down to just athletic shorts, and begin punching the crap out of the punching bag.

- 10:43 pm -

After hours of punching the same bag, my knuckles sting from the amount of times I hit the bag, and I'm dripping in sweat. I drink some water on my way back up to my room after I lock up the shop. Then I walk up to the apartment and get into the shower.

When my shower is finished I walk into my bedroom and just for fun I google "Astrid Steel". As expected a found missing person comes up. A young photo sits next to it. She looks about the same. But in this picture, she is smiling, and looks much smaller. Still beautiful.

I need to find out why and how she went missing for ten years. What kind of pain she went through. All the thoughts tire my eyes and I fall asleep quickly.

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