28 | Astrid

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- 11:05 pm -

Slowly, my eyes blink open. I hear cheer's all around me. Coen rushes over and helps me up to my corner. Same for Damon, he is awake too. But who was up first?

"My head-" I struggle. My head hurts really bad. "Did I win?" I ask.

"It was hard to tell. They will probably watch the tapes really quick." He explains. "You did a very good job." Coen says as I drink from the water bottle.

I lock eyes with Damon. He wears a frown. Does that mean I won? He looks actually sad. I hold my head in my right hand and it makes him look even more upset. Hmm. I hold my side, clenching it as if it was in tremendous pain and he looks down at his hands. He looks concerned.

After a few minutes we are called to the center of the ring. The ref takes both our wrists. I really hope I won! "The match between Astrid!" The crowd erupts, and once they are silent he continues. "And Damon!" The crowd isn't as loud. "Round one!" He puts my arm up, once again the crowd goes wild. "Round two!" both our arms go up. The crowd both claps and boos. They don't agree. But it doesn't matter. All that does, is who woke up first. "Round three!" My arm goes up. If there was no knock out, I would win. But there is one, so let's see who woke up first. "And, the winner of the double knock out is!" Damon's arm goes up.

I freeze. I look down. I don't dare look to Rowan right now. How did he get up first?! Are you kidding me! I expect to cry, I want to cry. But no tears come. The crowd isn't too happy either. My ring side is next to me. Then the ref makes us face each other to shake hands.

"You'll thank me later." He says quietly.

I scowl. He puts his hand out for me to shake. But I don't even think of shaking it. I just lunge forward and at him but Coen grabs my waist holding me back. Damon's eyes lock on the hand around my waist and he looks to Coen. For a second I thought he was going to lunge at Coen, but he doesn't. While he walks out he looks back a few times. But then he walks over to Rowan. Rowan hands him a duffle bag. Just before Damon walks out the door, he yells, "Rowan stick to the deal this time!" What deal is he walking about? Rowan's eyes lock on mine. He is fuming. I'm not sure I'll be able to survive whatever he has coming up.

"He is going to kill me." I mutter.

"No, he won't kill ya. You're a crowd favorite." He chuckles trying to fix my mood. It doesn't work.

The crowd is gone, so it's just our crew standing around. My sights go back to Rowan, he whispers something to a very large man in the crowd. He smiles devilishly and makes his way to the ring. Everyone backs up but me. The man starts beating me until everything goes black.

What feels like hours goes by, and I finally get back to life. I open my eyes and sit up. "Ah, you're awake." Rowan says. I look around to see a small crowd of people in the crowd. "Ready for another one?" He asks with a terrifying grin.

I can't even stand up. But I have to. I get up and face Rowan. And behind him is a big muscled man. Then Rowan gets out of the ring and then the match bell rings, and he comes at me. 

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