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In the previous chapter: Oriane woke up in the infirmary. She bumped into Uilliam when she got lost on campus on her way back to the dormitories.



 "What you do is, after you've activated the hex, you can put anything on it – that includes yourself – and it will stay afloat."

Oriane, in her everyday jeans and tank top, frowned sceptically. "You want me to sit on the bag?"

"Fly away, my fledgling witch!" cackled Marian. "Pretend it's your very own broomstick." Today, she wore a pair of black ankle boots with a thick heel, a red and green checkered skirt, a black top, and a matching scarf. To top it off, her polished spectacles had a few extra stones studded on each side.

"How do I make it move?" she asked, gingerly placing her bum on the currently floating bag. "What if I fall off it?"

"You adjust your weight, obviously. Haven't you ever tried hang gliding?"


"In any case, you owe it to me to make good use of my mojo, Miss I-can't-do-magick-and-I-fainted," Marian chimed playfully. "Not only have you gotten me an academic warning, now I have to go see the stupid executive."

"Then erm... I'll go with you." Oriane balanced uneasily on the bag. "C-can we just focus on this right now?"

Marian rolled her eyes and once again began telling her how abouts she should be gliding on a hexed object.

It was almost lunch break. Marian had somehow managed to have an excuse for her maths professor and pulled her out of class early so she could, in Marian's words, break into the hex before lunch.

"Imagine you're sitting on a skate board," she explained. "One that can hover directly above this flooring. As long as you don't fly off outside the school grounds, you'll be fine... Hey! Concentrate!"

Oriane had fallen off. She had her hands as support so her head wouldn't hit the floor.

As the clock ticked closer to noon, more and more students walked on by with curious stares who were then fended off by Marian's glare.

"It takes practice. But don't worry, it'll come to you. At least you don't have to carry your heavy books with you anymore!" Marian reassured. "Stick those books in there and they'll float the way of the baggie. I've hexed my own bag, see?"

She drew out a pink glittery purse that was about the size of her hand. Indeed, it floated.

If she truly had everything in that little purse, it was the smallest school bag she had ever seen. Oriane stared up at her blankly. "That's great, Marian."

"Don't look at me like that! I've got all my books in there. Obviously, I had shrunk everything for easy fit." Marian proceeded to open her purse's zip and flicked through the liners. She singled in onto a miniature black-coloured paper booklet. "Oh no!"

Oriane helped herself up. "What happened?"

"One of my textbooks had turned black! I must have hexed it wrong when I shrunk it last night. I'm going to be needing it for next period. What am I going to do?"

"What class is it for?"

"Remedies," Marian answered with a sniffle. "Why?"

"Well, I'm not going to need the Remedies textbook until tomorrow so you can borrow it."

"Really? Thank you!"

Oriane nodded. "I've had enough practice riding on the floating hex anyway. Let's get the textbook and head to the dining hall. Jessica and Charlotte must be waiting on us."

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