MH │21

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In the previous chapter: Uilliam mused about the connection between Goff, kidnappings, and explosives underground. Oriane found a hidden entrance to the underground repository.



First of all, she had found the explosives.

Dozens of crates, behind two symmetrical rows of circular columns, lined the circumference of the large round chamber disorderly. Scents of lead, ash, and gunpowder wafted through, blending with the metallic taste of rust from the iron bars.

The combination left an acrid tang on her tongue. It made her mouth dry.

Secondly, there was a group of people, of seven, walking to stand in what appeared to be a circle with hands clasped together and head bowed, like in silent prayer, around what could be called a bonfire. But the circle was not complete.

They were all humming. Like ritual. A low sound that sounded like a moan.

They were all wearing heavy white robes that lopped sluggishly around their feet and hoods that cast dense shadows around all their faces. The sound of various fabrics shifting and murmured coughs made layered echoes in her ears. On each of their robes, on their left, embroidered a large bright red cross. It dominated the attire.

Quite unlike the Catholic crosses, of which the bottom end was always longer, each of the bars perpendicular to each other was equal in length. It was a broad cross; the width thick unlike the humble bars of the Catholic ones and further accentuated by swirling curls at each end. A florid white rose was in its centre. Black beads scattered around it for motif.

Oriane clicked her electric torch off and darkness fell around her, leaving only the harsh glow of fire below to sting her eyes.

The presence of smoke tickled her senses, bringing water to her eyes. Scrubbing them, the fog in her eyes dissolved.

What were they doing? she asked herself. Are these people from the college? Or intruders?

Glancing around the cavernous chamber, she further noted inwardly, And where are the Watchers?

Leaning down towards the side, she spied an open large door made of a sort of metal. It was likely silver, given the way it glistened and reflected brightly the fire before it. At its opening, between the two doors, a sort of an invisible pool of water was spread vertically from floor to ceiling. And out from it, was a glimmer of shadows and colour.

Then, she could barely hold her gasp, when two more hooded persons emerged from the invisible water. Though it must not be liquid since neither of them, nor any in the chamber, were wet. The two started humming as well to the beat of the others as soon as they entered the room.

Some sort of trick of light? she wondered.

Yet even she could tell it was most certainly a type of magick, even if it did not belong to one of the affinities.

The fire rose as more robed members entered the room. All of them walked with the same downcast pose.

Oriane didn't dare breathe, fearing that one of them might hear her and notice that they were not alone. Though shrouded by the shadows, she kept her head down. It was to avoid detection, but also, because the fire was growing hotter and she was almost directly upon it – she wasn't really, otherwise she'd be singed to toast from the fumes and heat.

Her heart beat steadily in her ears, but loudly. Like a drum pounding strong prior to something big occurring.

Perhaps it was a bad idea to have come looking for the explosives or the underground. A bad idea to sate her curiosity. She would have been better off oblivious and safe in her classroom. Except that it was she who found the report. And she who stumbled across the storage area, which in turn led her to that secret door. Who else could've been where she was, crawling in an unused vent and witnessing the strangest thing she had ever seen? And, while worried, was not afraid?

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