MH │40

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In the previous chapter: The Autumnal Festival began! Shireen and Oriane went through their duties. Marian divulged on what she learned at the Occulatory and discussed their action plan.



"I thought all we're dealing with is an underground cult who kidnaps people!" squeaked Charlotte, alarmed at the news.

Oriane had confessed that there were indeed bombs hidden in the underground repository. However, she wasn't sure if they were active or not. It was only that there was the distinct smell of gunpowder in the room while she was down there.

As for the document, she told them how she snagged a document off the Chancellor's ex-assistant's desk the other day while she and Charlotte were in detention.

"Where's the document now?" Marian asked.

"I've handed it in already."

"Geez, you know you could've gotten into serious– into even more trouble." Marian rolled her eyes and sighed. "If anyone else had told me this, I'd call their bluff, but with you..." she tutted. "I'm thinking you're just a magnet for trouble, Anna. Why didn't you tell us that a few weeks ago? Here I thought I had gotten everything from you."

"Well, there was a lot going on..."

None of them said anything for a few awkward seconds as the news fully sunk in. Oriane felt slightly guilty that she hadn't told them everything. There had been so much on her mind with the festival and trying to find Uilliam that there never seemed to be a right time to break the news.

"I thought I'd have you all prepared, just in case anything terrible does happen," she added.

"Is there anything else you'd like to tell us while we're at it? Maybe your secret affinity? Is someone trying to take your life? Another conspiracy?"

"Erm... Well, I spoke to Mister McMurphy yesterday night."

"Him again..." murmured Charlotte under her breath.

"Yeah, it's about the cultists." Oriane debated whether or not to tell them about Hannah but thought better of it since it wasn't her secret to tell. "I also saw that fae prefect again. I was offered to join them for good."

"Like... Elle?" Charlotte's eyes widened in shock.

"Uilliam said I should so I can be his informant in their affairs."

Marian crossed her arms over her chest and glared at her. "That spells trouble, Anna. What if you have to get cloned? Or worse, cursed?"

"I don't know," she muttered in reply. "But I have to try and do something. I'm already caught up in all this. Might as well take a side and help out."

"Sure, that's a good idea. Meanwhile, get yourself killed too," Marian agreed sarcastically. "Not to mention, you don't even have an active affinity to protect yourself with. How would you survive if–"

Anger flared up inside of Oriane unexpectedly at her remark. A warmth like the one she experienced earlier when the voiceover boomed in her head rose up in her chest again. This time quite a bit stronger than the last and made her clench her fists together.

"Look, I know I don't have an active affinity," she clipped rather forcefully. "But that doesn't mean I can't look after myself. I've been doing that since I was a child."

Charlotte gasped and pointed to the ground. "Look!"

Oriane looked down at her feet. A charred pattern had split the floor where she stood. Sparks of fire still spat over the marks and fizzed out as quickly. Circling her, it was an arcane pattern. The characters she had never seen before. By the look on Marian's face, neither had she, tiling her head sideways to attempt to interpret them.

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