Tame Your Temper

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To the awesome punjabi kudi..

Love you!

Happy Reading!


Aamir looked at Mayra's face as she slept peacefully and plugged in the headphones to his laptop. He couldn't possibly disturb her sleep. He quickly pushed the earpieces into his ears and clicked the link which his friend had sent him via email.

A new page opened with a video that started to play automatically. A man, nearly Aamir's age, wearing a pink shirt and baby blue tie under a grey blazer and ridiculous-looking square spectacles on his weirdly large nose appeared on the screen. Aamir stared at the screen stunned and the man began to speak with one finger pointing at the camera, which Aamir creepily felt was pointing directly at him.

"Do you get angry over the smallest of things? Do you wish to throw your cup of coffee at the coffee machine when your coffee isn't tasty? Do you want to kill the motorcycle rider who overtakes your car? Do you feel that the world is designed in a way to test your patience?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then my friend, you need Anger Management! (The man started smiling widely now and flailing his arms about as he spoke) And who better to help you in this, than me! Join me, Gaurav Singh, as I "Tame Your Temper"!

Click below to book an appointment! See you at my office!"

The man winked at the screen and the video ended. Aamir stared at it for five seconds straight before lunging for his phone. Scrolling through his contacts he found the number he was looking for and called him. His friend answered at the second ring.

"Hey Aamir -"

"What the hell, Kunal? Are you serious? I said I wanted a good psychologist and you send me the link of this joker?"

"Why? What happened?"

"Tame Your Temper!" Aamir whispered furiously, glancing at Mayra to see if she was getting disturbed. "Are you kidding me Kunal? This man is wearing a baby pink shirt with a baby blue tie and a grey blazer, and he says that he can tame my temper! Seriously?"

"Dude, trust me, that guy is the best in this business," replied Kunal.

"This joker -"

"Yes! That joker!" Kunal said, impatiently. "My cousin has a teenage son, and that guy was losing it completely. He was such a messed up teen dude, he was getting into drugs! And my cousin took him to this guy and trust me when I tell you this, that guy - what's his name - Girish - "


"Ya, Gaurav. That guy works magic. My cousin's son has completely changed man! He's such a nice kid now. Trust me that guy is amazing."

"You sure?" Aamir asked, still sceptical.

"Of course man. I know how badly you wanted this. Do you think I would joke with you over such a serious matter? Trust me Aamir, go to him. If he can help you in any way, then it'll be worth it man."

Aamir sighed and whispered, "Yeah, you're right."

"By the way, why are you whispering?"

Aamir smiled as he gazed at his beautiful wife, "Mayra's sleeping."

"Oh. Give her my best man. Hope she gets well soon."

"Thanks bro. Bye."


Aamir didn't need to tame his temper. He needed to tame the beast within him, he thought as he recalled all the moments when the monster within him had tried to resurface in the past few days despite Aamir's best efforts to keep himself under control. This kind of anger problem was surely not normal. And obviously such an issue would require more than a crazy psychologist to resolve. It required a miracle.

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