Difficult Choices

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Dedicated to IcySunshine, for being the first to comment on my story. Thanks so so much!!!


"Have a seat, Mr. Hassan."

Six men sat around the table as a deep silence enveloped the room. Aamir took the middle seat with his brother to his left and his father-in-law to his right. They had been called for a briefing on Mayra's condition by her doctors.

A whole week had passed. A week of desperation, and Mayra had yet to open her eyes.

The doctor stared at Aamir's worn out face. The entire hospital had come to know who he was. Doctors, nurses and even some of the in-patients could instantly recognise him. He was the husband of the woman admitted into ICU after a horrible accident. He was the man who arrived early and stayed as late as the hospital would allow, sometimes even arguing or begging for extra time with his wife. He was the heartbroken man, who sat by his wife's bed, every single day, and spent hours talking to her, apologising and telling her that he loved her, and begging her to come back.

"How is she, Doctor?" Aamir asked, his shaking voice proving his fear of the answer to that question.

"This has been an unusual case in many respects, Mr Hassan. It's been a week since she was brought in. Her condition has somewhat improved though she hasn't regained consciousness, which is very worrisome. But her vitals have now become quite strong. We were able to put her off of life-support system for six hours and still counting. That has encouraged us to take the next step. Which is why we are here."

"What is the next step?" Mayra's father asked.

The doctor seated opposite Khalid answered, "I am the neurosurgeon looking after your wife's case, Mr Hassan. These are Mayra's CT Scan reports. This patch here, this is the blood clot from the accident precisely where she hit her head. We think that this is the reason why she hasn't regained consciousness because there is pressure on her brain. This needs to be removed. So the logical step would be to surgically remove the clotted blood and the normal fluid circulation around her brain can resume. With the intracranial pressure getting back to normal, its highly probable that she will regain consciousness."


"Neurosurgery is very tricky, Mr Hassan. I cannot tell you for sure, nor can I guarantee that this will bring your wife back. And the surgery itself is very risky. There have been on table deaths and we will have to be prepared for the worst when we take this step."

Khalid frowned deeply. "Then why bother at all? If its so risky then let's wait it out. I'm sure Bhabhi will wake up. We'll wait for as long as it takes."

"No matter how long you wait she isn't going to wake up on her own because of that clot. It has to be removed, and hopefully that will be the stimulus required to wake her. And if you think surgery is a risk that you do not wish to take, then please understand for as long as she remains in that coma, her body will slowly undergo atrophy, that is waste away due to lack of use. Her muscles, organs, her whole body actually. That is what we have to discuss. Whether you are willing to let her stay in her coma, because the monitors show that she is alive, or to take her to surgery, and risk her life, to give her her life back."

Aamir looked at the doctor angrily. "You can't possibly expect me to make a choice like that. There has to be another way!"

"I'm sorry, Mr Hassan, there is no other way. I suggest you discuss this matter with your family and let us know. We will have to prepare for the surgery. Please excuse us."

Aamir stared numbly as the doctors exited the room. The three men remained, neither of them willing to utter a single word as though searching the silence for an answer to this impossible question. How could he choose? The option that risked Mayra's life was no option at all. There was no way he could put her life on the line like that. But then what else was there to do? Come back day after day and watch her comatose form as she slowly wasted away.

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