The Plan

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Please be sure to check out my new story "Tortured". I hope you guys like it!

Happy Reading!!


"What do you mean, nail him?"

Zaheer got up from his seat excitedly. Aamir couldn't help but notice his friend's sudden enthusiasm, a feeling so out of place with the situation they were in that he quelled the urge to ask Zaheer if he were all right.

"Yes! Finally!"

"Kindly elaborate," Aamir commented drily.

Zaheer rolled his eyes at that and sat down. "It finally struck me that we're looking at this case all wrong, Aamir. So far, we've been defensive thinking that the Bastard has enough material to blackmail you so bad, and that it practically made him invincible! Turns out he's not Aamir, he can't be! We have to be on the offensive!"

Exasperated, Aamir said, "football terminology aside, will you please explain clearly. I didn't understand anything you just said!"

"Aamir! For God's sake! Ugh, okay fine. I'll explain. See, what he's asking for now is money. He seems too smart because he kept all the evidence to get to you later. But if it was only money that he wanted, he could've gotten it much earlier with far less hassle."


"When did he blackmail Faiza first?"

Aamir thought for a second and said, "after my accident."


"Exactly what?"

"What the hell Aamir! Use your head! If he wanted money that badly he would've gotten Faiza and Mayra to give it to him at a time when it would be so easy and risk free. No one would question the money being lost, especially you, as you were in the hospital paralysed. But think about it, a sharp, clever and criminal mind like Jaffar's let go of that golden opportunity and now he wants to blackmail, when its clearly so dangerous, especially with you looking out for Mayra?"

Aamir suddenly sat up straight, "you're right! It doesn't make sense."

"Exactly," Zaheer nodded, "until you consider the reason why he suddenly wants money again, why he suddenly chose to reappear, why he's so foolishly risking his life."

"What could be the reason?"

"That's exactly what we have to find out. If we can find a weakness, trust me we'll hit him so hard, he'll never mess with you again."

"How can we though? This guy is bloody invisible for all we know."

Zaheer was silent for a while, contemplating the enormity of their problem. "He'll slip up soon enough. If he needs money for a reason that we think, then he'll grow desperate. That's what we need. We need to stall him Aamir. Drive him to madness. Besides, I have a few hackers trying to trace his number. They should be able to dig up something soon enough. "


"Yeah, the number wasn't a cell number. It was a computer call with hidden identity base system as a programmed installation. My men told me they've dealt with this before, they can do it again. Now we've just got to wait and watch. Either we corner the Bastard bloody bad, or he slips up and gives us an advantage. Trust me, we're closer than you think."

"I guess you're right," Aamir agreed.

Both men resorted to silence after that, knowing that there wasn't much that they could do anymore. That, Aamir concluded, was the hardest part. He was used to being in control, he needed it at all times but his ife seemed to enjoy keeping him on his toes far too much.

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