Chapter 9

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Athena POV

It's been a week since I found out the truth. Everything's been going great on the other hand my mom and dad they have been going on trips every weekend. So I stay with Klaus and Hayley at their house because the Cullen aren't home for me to stay. I woke up and walked downstairs and saw them all sitting down in the living room. "Morning luv. Said Hayley." "Morning mom morning everyone." They all looked up at me. "Morning littlest wolf. Said Dad." "Morning dad." I went and sat next to my mom. Did I also forgot to mention it was my birthday to. I didn't because I don't like to celebrate it the Cullen they always had to leave but did do something for me a week later but it would've been more special if it was on my actual birthday. I was to busy in my thought to notice they were calling my name. Till someone tapped my shoulder. "Yeah Hope." "I was asking what do you want to do for our birthday. Said Hope." I looked at her confused. "Yknow we're twins right. Said Hope." "Oh yeah I forgot." She just looked at me while our mom laughed at me. "How do you forget that. Said Hope." I shrugged my shoulders. "Well luv what would you two like to do for your birthday. Said Dad." They all looked at me. "I don't celebrate my birthday." "Why not. Said Bex." "Yeah why not it's your birthday. Said Hope." "Because I never really did and I stopped celebrating it when I was 12." "How come. Said Mom." "Because I was alone on my birthday they always had to go out." "Well we are here and ain't leaving so what would you two like to do. Said Mom." "Hope you decide." "We both will decide what we want for now we'll be in Athena room. Said Hope." She yanked my arm and forced me upstairs.

Hayley's POV

I laughed as Hope dragged Athena upstairs. We heard the door close I went back to my phone. "Hayley we should throw them a surprise party. Said Bexs." "Yeah we should me and Klaus will take them out while you guys set up." "Yeah go get the girls. Said Davina." I got up and sped to Athena room. I knocked then walked in. "Hey mom what's up. Said Athena." "Get dressed me and your dad are taking you two out." They nodded and I walked out. "We'll wait downstairs for you two." They nodded and I walked downstairs. "Where are they. Said Klaus." Before I could answer they came running down. "Here dad. Said Twins." They had matching dresses on. "Hope wanted me to wear a matching dress with her. Said Athena." "Well you both look beautiful." "Yes you do now let's go. Said Klaus." I rolled my eyes at him and we left. "So mom dad where are we going. Said Athena." "It's a surprise. Said Klaus." I looked at him and he gave me direction's to wherever we we're going. We arrived and it was at a beach. "Why we at the beach. Said Hope." "We are wearing dresses dad. Said Athena." "Just follow us. Said Klaus." We got out and walked for a little bit. Then we arrived at where Klaus took us. "Where are we." He pointed and we saw a picnic set up for us. The girls ran over to it and sat down. "You did all this." "Anything for my girls. Said Klaus." He smiled and walked over to the girls. I walked over and sat next to them. "So do you girls like it. Said Klaus." "We do. Said Twins." I smiled at them. "You girls look beautiful." "Thank you mom. Said Twins."

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