106 // *real life*

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"Hey," I said.

"Hi," he said, barely looking into my eyes.

"Can we talk?"

"I mean, you're here already. Do I have a choice to not speak to you?" He replied, pausing the game that he was playing.

"What happened?"

"Callie had a miscarriage. We don't know how it happened. We were fine, we were happy. I love her and the baby, but she left me as soon as we found out that baby is... dead,"

"A miscarriage," I said, sitting on his bed.

"Yeah, and now she's missing. It's been 2 days already. The last thing she told me was that she's so devastated about how things went and she kind of felt guilty about what she did. About how she ruined us. And then I asked her how long has she been thinking about that, and she said 'few days'. I think it's the reason why she left, and why our baby died,"

"So now you're putting the blame on me?" I said, standing up, "It's not my fault she felt the sudden urge to fuck you, okay? I felt bad about the baby, I really am, but you cannot blame me for the guilt that Callie felt. Ha, I don't even know why I came here. I came here because I wanted to help you. I love you, Chandler. You know that. You fucking know that. But you kept messing shit up, and now you're blaming me for her disapperance. Fuck it! I don't even curse and now these fucking words are coming out of my mouth!"

"Brielle," I heard someone speak.

It was Callie, standing near the door frame.

"Callie!" Chandler exclaimed, running towards her and hugging her.

"I'm here to say sorry," Callie said as she pull away from Chandler and walk towards me. I sat down on the bed again, to keep myself steady- to process what is currently happening.

"I'm sorry, Bri. It's my fault. All of this is my fault, and I involved another soul- no, 2 innocent souls, in this. Chandler and the baby. There's just so much going on inside my head and I just want it all to stop. Chandler, I loved you, truly, but I also love Brielle. Bri, I know I ruined your life. I fucking regret it, and now that I lost Chan and I's baby, I ruined his life, too.

"I got envy with all that you have, Brielle. You were just so perfect, and I'm the exact opposite of that. And Chandler? No, I didn't use you. It just happened that you were my dream guy, and to see you hooking up wiyh my friend just hurts my ego so much. I'm sorry I ruined everything."

After hearing all of that, tears went running down my eyes. I wanted to slap her. Or to hurt her, for destroying what is between Chandler and I, but I can't bring myself to do it. Somewhere within me, there's this force that pulls me in, stopping me to do such action.

Callie hugged me and I froze. I am supposed to hate this woman, but I can't. I couldn't, because she is my friend.

"I'm so sorry, Bri. I'm so sorry," she said as she cries into my shoulders, "I fucked up real bad, I'm so sorry."

She went to Chandler and I left the room crying. Todd asked me if I was okay, and I just nodded my head, because at this point, I don't even know what I'm feeling. Trish led me to the living room and brought me water. I sat on the couch, just staring at the carpeted flooring of their living room. I can't go home, not yet. I can't stand up, I feel numb.

A few minutes later, I heard a door open. Chandler and Callie were walking towards me.

"You would never hear from me again. I'm going back to France, and you guys can go back to your past lives. I'm sorry for all the mess I've created. Chandler, I love you so much, but I can't keep doing this. And you, Brielle, I hope you can forgive me," Callie said as she walks out the door.

Chandler sat next to me, his face red- probably from all the crying that he did.

"I'm sorry, Brielle," he silently whispered.

"I'll go home now," I replied, finally having the strength to stand up and walk down the hallway. I'm too weak to walk, but I am trying my best to carry my weight and leave this place.

As I walk my way to my car, I heard a set of footsteps running behind me.


I turn around and see Chandler running towards my direction. He wrapped his arms around me and I can't help but to hug him back. "I love you. I love you more than I loved anyone else. Please don't leave me again. I love you, Bri."

I pull away from our embrace and pulled his face towards mine. Our lips collided and from that moment, I felt like everything fell back to its place. For a second, everything is perfect.

Until it didn't.

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