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Sophia 💅🤷

Text Message
28 June 2020, 7:01 AM

hi brielle

i've read jimmy's tweet

is chandler okay?

he's not okay yet

he's still in coma

i hate myself

i shouldn't have asked him to come over last night

fuck me i hate myself

it was almost 11 and i asked him to come over because orlando texted me

i got scared and asked him to come over

at 11 something, i texted him, and someone else answered, saying chandler got in a car accident and i should go there immediately

i drove to the hospital and drove past 2 cars wrecked, one of them is chan's. i ran to the emergency room and there he is. lying, with 3 nurses assisting him.

he had a neck brace already, and cloth were wrapped on his arms. an hour later he was transferred to his room, and a machine was placed next to him.

i cried and cried, and called jimmy as well as chan's fam. no one answered at first but i kept calling them. i mean, what was i expecting, it's almost 3, but jimmy picked up. i told him the news and there were total silence on the other line, until maddy spoke and asked him what's wrong.

i didn't know how to explain this so jimmy, i just can't speak. i kept crying on the phone and he told me to calm down and that he and maddy's coming over.

a few minutes later, they're here. he contacted his parents still- no response. i contacted his siblings and they said that they're flying back from ohio

sophia i don't know what to do 😭 how the hell am i going to explain to his parents that i got their son into this mess

god i just want to disappear right now

chandler doesn't deserve this

have u even slept? or eaten anything?


not yet

jimmy and maddy left already

chris, karl, tareq and i was left here

they're asking me to go home, take a rest or atleast eat something, but i can't

not with chandler in coma

i just couldn't

you know what, i'll pick you up there and drive u home

it will all be okay soon

chandler will be fine

i love you brielle

i'll be there

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