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it's been a week since amelia was born. we got her middle name from my nana. her name was veronica, but chandler did not want it to be her middle name, so we decided to alter it. amelia vera rhodes-hallow. i love her so much. everyone gave us a lot of baby stuffs- clothes, toys, milk bottles, and etc. sophia is here almost everyday, and so is todd and trish. his siblings visit often, and today, we're bringing amelia to my nana. it's been a while since we last visited her. amelia looks a lot like chandler. she's like a photocopy of her dad. chandler and i haven't had much sleep since she was born, but all those nights were worth it. i can't believe i'm a mom now, and that my number one priority now is my daughter and not myself. i wish i could hold her forever in my arms. oops, she's crying now. must be hungry. bye now.

love, bri.

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