Sick and weak

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🌺 the next chapter will hold the cuteness I felt like giving, this one is short, but the next will be longer and in masters pov!🌺


My heart beat slow and loud in my head.


My body numb and throat slowly seemed to be constricting in on itself.



"Master" I croaked, unsure if my voice was even audible, my hearing faded.

I could feel something touching my numb skin, and suddenly I'm flying, or maybe freefalling.

I clenched my fists and unclenched, my grip weak and pathetic.

I opened my blurry eyes as my world kept spinning.

Blurry shapes above me fussed around me.

My body fell still and something cold hit my face, water, there's water being dripped onto me.

I can only breathe heavily as I struggled to breath, gulping down any of the cold water which soothed my throat.

I froze as pain exploded through my side and I cried out, before rolling around crying out in pain.

A low and pained, choking wail hurting my throat.

My body was grabbed and I painfully lashed out, unable to even understand what I'm doing, only that touch was beginning to hurt.

My body was laid out on a soft area, every light touch I received making me flinch.

"It hurts, make it stop" I whimpered, unsure on where I even was anymore.

Time ticked as my body tortured itself, my entire body flashed in pain as something cold touched me all over, careful touches which felt more like they were personally stabbing me with tiny needles.

I didn't mean to weakly hit at the one touching me, but my body was far to desperate to make the pain stop.

Something smooth and sweet drained into my mouth, I gulped it down desperately. My throat grateful for the sensation of it.

I whined as the strange liquid vanished, something sharp pricked my hip and I wailed pitifully.

Coldness overtook my sore hip and I groaned weakly.

Agony tore through me suddenly, I barely even had a chance to breath.....

Wait... When did I pass out?

My head hurt terribly and my hip throbbed numbly. What even happened?

I froze as I noticed something touching my hair, Master.... Wolf they sat at both sides of me, patting me softly.

Wait... Did I.... Did I lash out at them? Did I hit at them? The thought was terrifying, yet by how gentle they continued to be, I had no clue how to understand this....

I was a bad pet.... A bad pet..... I can't believe myself.

I tried to move but gasped at a sharp pain, they both looked down, noticing that I was awake. I could only whimper under their demonic gazes.

Where's Venom when you need them....

Master purred gently, yet for once he didn't get to close, did I ruin it? Did I ruin my chances to being kept around and cared about?

I can still be a good pet.... Please don't abandon me now... I can be good and behaved.

I couldn't even attempt to show it, my body to sore and weak to move.

Wolf, leant off to the side of the bed and pulled out something, it looked nearly like a babies bottle.

He pressed to tip to my mouth and I hesitantly began to drink, the sweet and smooth liquid feeling great in my dry throat.

Yet still my face heated up and I felt so much more weak then I already have been. I can't even lift my arms to drink.

Master was just staring, maybe I hurt his feelings again?

I took a big sigh as I stopped suckling on the bottle, abandoned by my people and possibly my own owner....

No, I have to stop thinking like this. Just once can't I be more positive and hopeful?

I closed my teary eyes and listened to the sound of each breath we made, Wolf seemed to have a naturally quicker breathing pattern. Master was the slowest, yet he always seemed to draw in an extra breath when I made a sound.

Is he worried? I should be, I don't even know what's wrong with me. Am I dying? Did my stress make me sick?

Did venom poison me? Maybe... No... I can't keep thinking that way.

I concentrated back on the quiet room. My heartbeat loud in my ears.

"Master, Wolf" I whimpered tiredly, hoping by some miracle they would make the pain vanish.

Something wet and cold landed on my forehead, calming my breathing slightly.

I can be good, I can be good.

Please don't be mad.

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